Sound of the Universe | On Yogic Lifestyle Experiment: DAY 6

DeCluttered LifeStyle
4 min readApr 27, 2018

Tonight it is a different experience. I could not sleep. For two reason. Sounds were coming from outside. Someone is playing DJ music outsides.

It is a small village area. And it is a season of marriage. So they are celebrating the unions of souls. Its all night full-on. It is not disturbing though but

I cherish. They prefer celebration oversleep. It’s a good thing that we often don’t do in our modern culture.

We avoid celebration. Most of us are busy in doing things which are less important, and we consider them more important.

Or merely lazy doing nothing but watching someone else drama on Television.

At one side people are dancing and making sounds of joy. And on the other side, I am struggling with my chair and bed.

I go to the chair to write then go back to bed for sleep. Then from the bed back to chair.

When I go to bed vivid dreams and also the sense of urgency is driving me tonight. And I just can not sleep.

They are probably the effect of death readings that I am doing. Like I mentioned in previous articles about stoics and poets of Kabira.

Poets of Kabira are the juice of life. If you drink nothing can stop you. You are simply unstoppable. After drinking the poets of kabira, your new version is entirely different what you are today. You sense of seeing and perceiving the life now much refined.

And so I have been back and forth while kabira and stoics in my mind tonight. In between writing things around.

Sometimes this type of insomnia happens not only to me but many people. I have observed this in my friends too.

Some Days are like that they just can not sleep. But for me this is different. This is probably the experience of my experiments that I am doing with Yogic Life Styles.

I am expecting they are shock effects. Probably yes. But it’s okay I guess. Afternoon it was brahm-naad which was new on my Day 5.

It is an Indian Classical Music composition which is considered to be a sound of the universe. The sound that is running on in the universe. It is believed to connect us with universal dimensions. The nature of the music is difficult to explain. But it is some absorption. It tries to absorb your consciousness into it.

And if you do not resist the absorption of the sound, you dive into it as if it is an ocean of vacuum. It will give you a different kind of experience. It is divine.

And practicing to listing this sound is part of the Yoga system. Yoga means union. Union of you with the universe as far as higher or divine objective is a concern.

In any case: Practicing of yoga unleash the quality of integration. I mean it will empower you with the mental stability, focus and inner centeredness, which you can utilize in any field of life.

You have a goal and if you have such qualities. Then you can think of the possible state of flow that might come.

Our mind is a very delicate instrument or entity. It quickly gets distracted and loses focus. And we often tend to get influenced by external factors. But that is less likely when you are a practitioner of Yoga philosophies.

Once again I am reiterating for modern people that it is not merely stretching, or making weird postures or exercises of physiology.

The scope is far beyond than mind and body. As I said earlier, it is also about the union of you with the universe.

Its concepts go at the level of the universe and the higher level of consciousness.

The thing that most of the teacher’s trainers teach in their three or six months of training does not include many essential aspects.

It is only the stretching things that propagate into the preparation of trainers in typical teacher training.

It is not a bad thing in fact something good is propagating from our ancient system. It is good even if a part of it made available to the broader public.

My point is: That is only a part. And not a complete system. The complete system is big it cannot be trained in three months. It takes a long ride. Years.

I am doing independent research and practices under guidance. So I can flash some light. So it is. I hope it is making sense.

I too may not explore all the things but who knows. I am just hoping it will help people to think and decide better.

So that’s it for this article friends. Please let me know your opinion and suggestions in the comments below. Let me know if you want me to share and find any specific things for you guys.

Key Take Away:

1. I would suggest you to try listening to the Brahma-naad sound which you can find on the YouTube. And try to experience the magic of the universal ancient sound. Do it with closed eyes and let the music absorb your consciousness. If you can not find, please let me know I will find a way to make it available to you. It is believed to cure many hard core diseases even cancer. ( Try as an experiment)

