Undying Experiment with Yogic Life Style : Day 01

DeCluttered LifeStyle
5 min readApr 22, 2018

I am not living fully. It is the documentary of a dead Man. I mean Me. Not living fully is equivalent to dead to me.

I am trying to rise.

And on this theme to rise from dead, I am trying many experiments with my time my life. I am finding my strength, my energy, and my flow.

And this is an experiment with yogic lifestyle. I have heard from many that it does the miracle if done correctly. It will transform your life. “Life transformation” is a fancy and attractive word in today’s generation. Maybe that’s the reason I am attracted.

But it is a truth. That it’s my need now. My need is driving me to hang on and try out tools and techniques and lifestyle and philosophies.

So I am here. And this is my Day 01 on Yogic LifeStyle with Khyati.

I am writing this to share my day to day experience as it will go. It will keep me going. And it will help others too.

I am not really…a typical tiny excited molecule exciting with a lot of random expressions and energies about writing his first draft of day 01 experience of so-called famous yoga things. But the thing is different here. What she taught me on day 01 is excitingly unforgettable.

What are the things we never forget?

Memory or experience which somehow for some reason alive in a part of our memory. Right. And what is alive is what is exciting and what is dead is what is dead. Dead does not need any damn description. Dead is dead. And alive is in its real sense alive and unforgettable. Alive is living and shining and attracting your attention naturally.

And this is the beginning of things that are going to come.

I am really not on money. I want to have a positive and authentic impact on the life of people. I can earn money, but that does not give a kind of inner satisfaction I am really looking for. I don’t want to teach people yoga for weight loss and yoga for back pain kind of stuff and earn a big chunk of money. Resolution of weight loss and back pain are just a pleasant side effect. Yoga is far more significant than that. We had done few experiments too earlier. And the results were astonishing.

Did you read the above paragraph? That is what she said. It’s rare to find people in today’s life who are in a real sense are not after money but on a greater purpose. Its is the words of dignity.

I am researching and experimenting with philosophies taught by our ancients. And her words were in sync with most of the teachings for leading a successful and meaningful streaks. All the best to khyati.

Its 2 hours intensive:

3:30 PM. My ceiling fan capacitor also lost its capacity. It’s hot outside, and it is also humid and hot inside. I don’t even have a mat. Tiny house. Frugal lifestyle.

And she is turning me from one posture (asana) to another. Very short break; almost non stop.

Light sweat very soon on my face. I also lost my brain for a second in the middle and about to fall out of blank brain experience but managed not to fall. I bring back my consciousness to head probably that saved me from the likely embarrassment.

I literally do not remember name of any of the asana.

The only thing that I remember about the asana is when I am contracting belly or any core part I have to release the breath and when un-contracting ( going back to the normal base position) take some breath in. That is the only I think I could fathom out. But this is key information. And there are other minor rules too.

It all started at 3:30 PM with the immediate Gayatri mantra followed by some other mantra chanting in Sanskrit. Further followed by word “Shanti” ( Peace ) for two to three times.

I just mimic. Simply imitation without much understanding. But I hope there must be a strong scientific, psychological and spiritual reasons behind the ritual.

I always remember the saying of one of my favorite fiction character Mr. Atticus Finch:

“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view … until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” — Atticus Finch

This is equally true to understand any system or process or philosophy or science or religion or belief. You have to taste it then only you know it’s bitter or sweet or what. You have to walk around in it, get into the skin of the method.

With Atticus Finch in mind, I often try things that even does not make sense at first place. It always helps. Lots of gratitude to Harper Lee for creating such an inspiring character in her Novel “To Kill a Mockingbird.”

So I imitate. I said, “Shanti Shanti Shanti.” This is the best thing I could do.

No doubt I got a sense that this girl has got something in his head. Authenticity and Authentic knowledge.

The best part of the session is pranayama.

I could say it was awesome as it was indeed but I won’t say. Cause it does not explain anything. For one person spicy things are awesome food, and for some, it is sweet things. The word awesome does not explain whether it is a spicy awesome or sweet awesome.

I mean: It is zero and cold and dark at the same time. How does it feel I don’t have a word. But as far as the state of mind is a concern, it was dark in vision, zero in thoughts, and somewhat cold in the head. And pretty light in weight. You can say weightless.

If you do not get the feeling with words, you better remember the Atticus Finch sayings I mention above. Try, get into the skin of pranayama and let the experience walk around in it.

Then at the end, we converse for around 40 minutes on different things, philosophy, life, dreams. This I will tell you on some other day.

It is a fulfilling experience on the first day. I don’t have any particular hope or wish or expectations. I am ready to dive in and see things as it is.

I don’t remember from where did I learn this, but this is true at best.

Expectations often messed up the experience. Expectations live in the plane of imagination or fantasy. However, experience happens in reality. And we do not want to mess up the reality just because something else is rendering inside the imaginary realm of mind.

Anyway, her name is Khyati Rathod. A young girl yoga trainer.

In my articles, I will majorly share key experiences and key takeaways. As far as the How to practice part is a concern I am not a right person. I am rookie. But still wherever I feel it is easy to explain I will try my best.

Key Takeaway :

  1. When I am contracting belly or any core part, I have to release the breath and when un-contracting ( going back to the normal base position) take some breath in. ( To remember )
  2. We can derive the weightless or less weight or lightweight experience mixed with silence with the simple practice of Pranayama. ( To Try )


Author of “The Hackers Code : The great prison escape project and ways to fly high in life.”

