We are in danger and we don’t know about the danger, this is a big problem than danger itself | Yog LifeStyle Experiment | DAY 13

DeCluttered LifeStyle
5 min readJun 9, 2018

I had just lighten the T-candle and place that inside the white colored beautiful ceramic holder. Lights are off. And I on top of the holder it is lavender aroma oil today. In few seconds its fragrance started to spread in the room. Its giving me the sensation of a proper yoga and meditation room today.

She arrived at her time fifteen minute delay, probably due to traffic jam in the lanes. But i didn’t care to ask. She has been coming here to rescue me from dying. Dying in other sense. It’s about dying in the life. I have got a different thinking about death and life.

And as I said in my first article of the series it is un-dying experiment for me. I had not been living upto my expectation. Too much laziness, too much inaction, and too much mental distractions.

It is like the speed of life had gone down to me. It’s only 13th day. I have started to see hope. And better mental balance.

When I say mental balance I am not saying I am mentally imbalanced but it’s about general distractions. And I have observed I have seen that it is common to almost every other person. Most of us are imbalanced in our mind. Most of us. It is hard core reality. And most of us do not realize it. This is a big problem. This non realization of our own state of imbalance is a big problem.

We are in danger and we don’t know about the danger, this is a big problem than danger itself. I hope I am making sense.

There is so much thing in my to-do list. I have been trying to develop skills of doing multitasking and failing to do so again and again since many years.

I am trying to remind myself sometimes by writing in diary, sometimes in blank paper, sometimes in google calendar and sometimes in some other android apps. Till now I have not been successful in following up my schedule. There are more than 10 things in my list to do every day. And every single thing is important.

It is just a fact that I am not able to do. Right now I am not capable to do so. I wish If I can have a personal assistant who can work like a daily accountability partner to me. But i can not hire one is money issue and another is bigger most of my things I do in the late night. Not intentionally but it has become a habit to me.

So that is why I want to have a proper balance of mind so I can execute my tasks sequentially one after another. Without overwhelm and without fatigue. I think less is more practical word than without here. That is one goal.

I am hoping that the Yogic practices are going to help me. And I have seen few improvements. A long way to go I guess. But I am progressing with good speed.

There is a simple problem which I think can be easily understood.

Let me try to explain it in simple words.

If I am doing 10 different tasks in a day then I definitely will do it one by one. When I perform first task say writing this article today is my first task to be done. And I did it in 1 hour approx.

Writing takes a good amount of energy too. It is a focused work. And I have to use my fingers continuously as words are coming to my mind. I am doing the exact thing right now. And my fingers are following my mind. So it is lot of thing. I am trying to watch the dance of my fingers on the keyboard as I am writing this.

Mind is generating thoughts. Thoughts are getting processed in brain neurons. And Brain is now sending signals to fingers to type. And my eyes is looking at the screen of my laptop and movement of my fingers.

Eyes are reading things parallely and processing words and sentences in brain. Mind then verifying the things.

You can guess that there is a lot of work going on. This article have approximately five thousand characters in it. So I have moved my fingers for five thousand times. It is a huge number and a huge finger exercise. And more number of times my eyes has worked and my brain has worked in processing and my mind has worked in verifying.

It is same for every writer. And there is radiation coming from the laptop screen which is unhealthy for the eyes. So I have to do extra workout for eyes to counter the effect of radiations.

Writing is not an easy thing. And that’s why becoming an Author is not an easy thing.

Normally we do not think like this. But it is true. There are many tiny and micro works are involved. It can be assessed with subtle observation. And mindfulness practice enhance our observation ability and improve our observation-self.

In yoga system we have wonderful eye exercises that khyati is teaching me to increase the focus, balance and eyesight. It is about eye fixation and conscious movements of eyes in left right and up down and in circle. They do strengthen the internal tiny muscles and tissues of eyes.

Eye fixation is a wonderful exercise I had already heard and read about it a long time ago. But never practiced properly. It was a passive typical reading. But now she has been making me implement this things in right way. She is a learned master in such things.

I am seeing small differences in my ability to look and observer and in my productivity. Which I think is a good sign fo me. I have to take the practice day by day. One day at a time.

I have to learn and make myself better in executing my daily tasks efficiently.

I have observed a basic fundamental problem which I will explain in one of my upcoming article and it is important to understand. Time is running And I have already set the time and word limits of this article series. So that’s it for this article. Just read the Key Takeaway below.

Key Take Away:

  1. Many of us spend too much time in computer or in TV or in mobile. Our eyes are in constant exposure and work. And they give a big overwhelm and fatigue to brain too. To counter the effect eye yogic exercises are wonderful thing to practice that you can make as an integral part of your day. I am not giving you the exact details on how to do it because there are many variations too. And I am too not a master. I am just sharing my experiences. But still a simple way to do is to slowly move eye lid up and down. As up as possible and as down as possible. Similarly left and right. Move your eyelids slowly to as left a possible and as right as possible.

