What is the end goal of decluttering?

DeCluttered LifeStyle
4 min readJun 15, 2018

It is a valid and perhaps one of the most important question. This is a chapter of my book on de-cluttering

Title of the book:


What is the end goal of de-cluttering?

The answer is simple. There is no end goal of decluttering. Decluttering is not a process of achieving goal.

If you are reading the pages and all context you will find that it is the same story getting repeated again and again in almost all the pages. I am shamefully saying that I have nothing new in any of the pages. As you go from one page to next. One context to next. It’s the same message. For a typical reader who want to read the next book on their collection or reading list it may be damn boring. Boring. Some reader may get bore and they will end up reviewing that it is a boring book.

This is not a book at all. It is a message. It is an awareness. It is a call.

I have a clear warning do not read this book if your intention is to read an interesting book. Or a non-boring entertaining book. Or book with different story or message to tell in different pages.

It is not for you; in that case.

Turn the pages to see what is there. If it make sense it’s all good if no then move on. And read it carefully and related and meditate on the context and message and dig on your own to get the most of it. You don’t need to read in one go.

Every next chapter will give you a new context which may not be suitable for you as you are not in that situation. Your role is different. But still I would suggest you to understand the role of others. It will help you to understand whats the issue other people are facing. And if it make sense you can help other people in your own way.

That is the think that you can take away. If a message to to understand other people context and problems is boring you will never able to help other people. And so you will never get help from other too.

It’s the same story that repeat itself. It is somewhat superstitious statements and slightly biased and hopefully boring. But that is a message.

And to me it is meaningful. A whole drama of sense is sometimes senseless itself. It is to me a meaning that I see and feel to convey so this pages are here.

But I hope:

It is not that much boring. I tried enough to make it as best as I can. It is not that much of boring. I guess.

I don’t want to say anything much about the end goal of decluttering. Its is a journey with no ending attached. There is no idea of end here. As I mention decluttering is not any process of achieving goal. Neither it is any mission.

It is a helping hand that moves to eliminate distractions.

And it is clear and should be clear that if you are not suffering from distractions. It truly that is the case. Decluttering is not for you to work on. And it makes you special. You can help others it is a good thing. And your lifestyle and thinking can be a great example to inspire others.

And these pages will help you to receive insight of the need, mistakes, dreams and distractions of other people. With that insight you can move ahead.

It can be a meaningful in that way.

You can be a part of creating undistracted community. Here we will focus on what matter most in our life subjectively. It brings speed and smoothness to the collective evolution.

Product designers around the world then focus on designing products which are useful and don’t create clutter in our life. It will give a fresh thinking to the innovation. Engineers will focus more on engineering devices fasten our collective growth instead of creating devices which are harmful to our purposes. They won’t use dark marketing techniques in designing and engineering to lure us. Products and devices will not steal our time and energy in unnecessary things. Things will be sorted.

A lot of useful and meaningful change will pick up to happen. We have to see decluttering in good perspective.

Decluttering in one way is about educating people to realize what is right and what is not. What is good and what bad. It is simple.

Book Reference:


