Why am I so much concerned about this simple word, “decluttering”?

DeCluttered LifeStyle
4 min readApr 30, 2018

Why has it become the most important word to me? I want to be focused and give my best in whatever I do. I want to see things with Crystal clear vision.


When I am working on my work:
I don’t want any item to grab my attention.
I don’t want my phone to ring.
I don’t want my attention to getting hooked towards new hot products on Amazon.

I know someone would say, in fact, people have told me. Many of them. Instead of removing item control your mind.

And we all know: How delicate and sensitive our mind is.
It is hard to approach with 99 likelihood I would fail. It is true with everyone else.

And yes achieving this state of mind is a pressing need.

But the point is that how would I do this? How would you do this?
How do we shape our mind?

Its stability is not an easy thing to achieve. Probably the most difficult in the world.

I need to step in. And decluttering is a word that is in place when I am climbing in towards personal freedom, mental stability and sharp focused towards my works.

When I am working, I am into it. It is the target.

As of now, I am not that person who says when I am committed then I am into it. Either I do it either I don’t. I have seen hundreds of sample. No one fulfills what they’re saying with 100 percent fulfillment. Forget 100; they can’t even reach up to 50 percent of what they say.

But they all are good into saying it.

It is not their fault. They get motivated by some article today morning, or TED talk last night, or had attended a motivational event recently, or have watched an inspirational movie this weekend.

So it’s probably the play of unreliable motivation.

Motivations are a highly variable thing. It is not constant. It goes up and stays there for a short time, and then it suddenly disappears.

Let’s come back to the point.

It is the best quality of focus and stability of mind that I am looking to develop.

WHY? So I can give my best to whatever I work.

Like when I am writing, I don’t want to ask google assistant to give me the latest formula one standing. Like that.

The goal is simple.

When I am writing, I must be into it no matter what. Nothing should distract me from outside.Nothing should distract me from inside.

I do not know about others but when I am saying decluttering it is from both the side.

I don’t want external distractions, as well I am not interested in any internal distractions either. And here is a reality they both influence each other.

There is no best way or fast way to do this. Everyone is different. Everyone surroundings and need and desires are different. No one rule fits all solutions here. It’s tricky.

So there are External Clutters, and there are Internal Clutters.

We can work on both the side parallel. One step at a time.

More I think and try things. More it becomes wider. Its scope is vast.

As I do research, thinking, and experiments it is taking the form of most-important and well-needed philosophy for the 21st-century people.

I have been iterating in many of my articles that we are living this great age of distractions.

Without loss of relevance and looking at the important of the 21st century. I can comfortably name it as a Philosophy of Decluttering. It’s pure practical things. This philosophy is something I am developing for myself. And I am hoping it will be useful to others too.

How I am trying to declutter external things and how I am dealing with internal mental states is a topic for coming articles.

And it is a journey. There is no magic pill. There is no one-day solution. There is no happy-ending kind of scenario.

It’s a constant fight. And it is a consistent development of ideas and testing those ideas in my days.

Till now I have been trying to answer the mention question to myself and the readers as well.

Let me rewrite the question to bring back the intent of the article.

Why am I so much concerned about this simple word, “decluttering”?

Why has it become the most important word to me?

To answer I had a series of thoughts that I mapped into words here. I have been outlining the ideas as I am doing more brain work or as I am receiving more insight into the requirement of this “Philosophy of decluttering” in too many areas, of profession and work.

So I am coming up with series of specific articles for 21sr century students, entrepreneurs, households, corporates, individuals, teachers, etc.

And I am also trying to expand and deconstruct the word “Decluttering” into as many ways as possible. More I do. More it becomes interesting, relevant and specific. And it is a good sign that keeps me going.

Unlike what most other authors and brand ambassadors have said of decluttered lifestyle; what I am finding is:

It is not just about removing items, possessions, and luxury. It is much more than that. It is finding time, space, energy, support, resources and money to run the most important and most critical task in hands right now. And to prepare ourselves for the battle tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow…

And to practice virtue to render high standard and meaningful life.

It is the requirement.

As I do my work and articles, I am curious to seek your thoughts in any form ( questions, suggestions, opinions, request, etc.) Please let me know in the comment section.

