WHY startup fails? and Need of Decluttered lifestyle for New Age Entrepreneurs

DeCluttered LifeStyle
4 min readApr 23, 2018

Startup and entrepreneurship is a fancy word for most of the young crowd. Many of them think that it is a way to become a billionaire like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs or Elon Musk etc.

Many of them think like a moron.

They think all I have to do is some smart work for few years and then I will become the boss of intelligent employees and then my venure run in auto mode. And then I will enjoy a luxury lifestyle. I will own luxury residence in a costly city among other rich people. And I will travel all the beautiful holiday destinations.

Wonderful dream!!!

Dreams are easy to dream. And truth is : Most of them end up in a miserable consequences.

Reality of the entrepreneurial challenges are different. They are right there in reality.

That is why 99% of startup fails. Those startups had been started to live some kind of luxurious life. The end result was to live in fantasy. That’s why these 99% of people fall back to typical 9–5 slavery.

Many of them starts with the mindset that they are smart, they will become billionaire.

Let’s look at fundamental reasons of failure in this perspective. Here are some of the major points to think.

  1. Their WHY is not coming from the a right place. So they end up in different kind of mental fight with themselves. What they value most is not generating results oriented loops or consequences.
  2. They never understand the true meaning of hard work. They always think like : hard work is a task of a labor.
  3. Their primary end goal is to achieve a luxurious lifestyle. So they never end up in serving or problem solving. They never end up in finding out the problems of public and so they never end up in any commercial services or products.
  4. They never understand the technical details of the field. As they are not interested in technical. They end up in hiring all sort of wrong people from the industry.
  5. They wanted to become a Boss instead of a Leader. So they could not train others to lead their works and responsibility.
  6. They never want to serve people instead they want to serve themselves. They do not understand the value of customer service and satisfaction.
  7. They always try to surround themselves with the items of less importance. Less importance to their venture. They come up with a fashionable gadgets and they show off as source of superiority.
  8. They never understand the value of Meditation and mindfulness practices. To them it is a work of Monk.
  9. They do a lot of harsh work either on themselves or on their people and they think they are smarter. There is a difference between hard work, smart work and harsh work.
  10. They never understood the meaning of start-up and entrepreneurship. They picked up the words as a fancy solution towards living an awesome luxury lifestyle. They think it is some kind of great golden profession.
  11. They have never understood the value of philosophy and principles. To them it is what thinker do who only thinks. So they never learn what matter most.

We will dig up on each one of the above points in some other article in the series. I encourage you to write your thinking on this.

And let me know what you want me to write in future in related topics in general or in specific.

Please ask me a lot of questions.

In case you are one of such person living in fantasy who think like the above points; Be careful it’s time to go down on grounds.

It’s time to rework on your reasons. And fix them. And fix your lifestyle.

Such people fill their life with so much clutter and distractions that they can not recognize the standing opportunity in front of them.

Their mind is engaged by the things they are surrounded with. And their mind is surrounded with the joy of fantasy and then their mind is surrounded with the overwhelming and fear when they start to see the real challenges in front of them. They are not prepared in mind and neither in habits.

Their nerves are weak. And they end up in taking poor decisions one after another.

They misunderstand every single quotations by other successful people.

Remember Elon musk still spend his 80% of time in the technical design and plannings of core products for his ventures.

Here I want to give you two meaningful words from Malcolm Gladwell. I have learned a lot from his works.

“Once a musician has enough ability to get into a top music school, the thing that distinguishes one performer from another is how hard he or she works. That’s it. And what’s more, the people at the very top don’t work just harder or even much harder than everyone else. They work much, much harder.” — Malcolm Gladwell

“Hard work is a prison sentence only if it does not have meaning. Once it does, it becomes the kind of thing that makes you grab your wife around the waist and dance a jig” — Malcolm Gladwell

It has even become more difficult for people to succeed in startup journey because of so many new age distractions in the form of digital devices. Digital devices are not to blame but it is the error and inability of human brain to not get sticky with it.

One of the general advice that I often give people is to learn more on decluttered lifestyle, frugality, principles and philosophies. They are the basics of setting your mindset towards handling challenges and finding personal freedom and understanding what is less important and what is more. And many more essential qualities towards living and leading progressive and meaningful life.


Author of “The Hackers Code : The great prison escape project and ways to fly high in life.”

