How our attention determines whether we conceive new ideas or are trapped in the here and now

The problem of our media landscape and the discussions held

Maximilian Schima
Decluttered Politics
2 min readMay 16, 2023


Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

In a recent interview in a German daily newspaper, Cem Özdemir, a Green politician made the following statement:

“Hunger is no reason for cutting back on biodiversity and climate protection”.

This quote shocked me and made me really angry. It shows the absurdity of the current situation and the ivory tower from which many politicians view the world.

In principle, I don’t even want to get upset about such statements anymore. It robs me of my energy and with the amount of such statements that are made by politicians every day, I would probably get chronic high blood pressure sooner or later.

In such moments, it often helps me to think about a utopia of how I imagine the world in the future instead of finding an angry solution.

If I only concentrate on complaining about everything that’s wrong, then I don’t change anything in myself, and nothing changes in the world. So, I train my mind to focus on positive things. That creates a zest for action and enhances creativity. What can I or society change so that we are better off in the future? Offer solutions instead of just complaining.

This is also a shortcoming of alternative media, which often only criticize but don’t offer any solutions themselves. That doesn’t help and continues to put the focus on the negative.
For me, I like to criticize and complain about grievances. However, I have found that it doesn’t get me anywhere. So here on Medium I try to share ideas that can be a change.

What if politicians and lobbyists were no longer listened to after such statements, no matter what position they fulfill? What if these politicians and lobbyists were simply ignored? What if we were presented with more proposals for solutions in the news than empty phrases?

That would require taking money out of politics. Politicians and the media are too influenced by money.

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Maximilian Schima
Decluttered Politics

Scientist in electrical power engineering, most interested in ideas that can change the world especially from economics and science