I am outraged by big tech and its overreaches

You should be too after all it is about our fundamental rights

Maximilian Schima
Decluttered Politics
2 min readFeb 13, 2023


Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash

I stumbled across an article reporting that a new Windows update has withdrawn the bootloader signatures. This is said to make it impossible to install or even boot older Linux distributions. The whole issue affects machines that have both Windows and Linux installed via dual boot.

Even though I don’t know much about IT, this is a violation of my rights to my property. That is, the use of my computer is subsequently restricted after the purchase in such a way that it may possibly lead to data loss and the exclusion from my own computer. For me this means that I will only install Linux on my private computer in the future and nothing else.

At the moment I still use a MacBook. However, I will part with this system as well. I don’t want to support companies that do censorship. In the case of Apple, I noticed that pictures taken with the iPhone at a government-critical demonstration were blacked out in the Apple gallery.

The only way we as a population can do something about these companies is to become aware of our values and boycott the products and services that violate those values.

Unfortunately, this is not completely possible now, but we should do it for ourselves and our freedom. I like to root my Android smartphones and put on a custom rom to be able to decide more about the services I use. The problem here is that many banking apps like to block usage in such a case. However, if we shy away from the smallest hurdle for “convenient” reasons, big tech will soon take over every area of our lives.

With the following questions, I would like to encourage you to think about which of these values is more important to you:

  • Freedom or security?
  • Rent or property?
  • Free flow of information or censorship?
  • Centralized or decentralized?

As a side note, no one can do everything right and implement it perfectly in life, but if each of the 8 billion people put up a little resistance, even then the effects can be very significant. So we should try it every day anew.

I appreciate your feedback, whether you agree with me or not, so please comment, highlight or clap.

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Maximilian Schima
Decluttered Politics

Scientist in electrical power engineering, most interested in ideas that can change the world especially from economics and science