Resisting the Great Reset

Protesting Peacefully

Maximilian Schima
Decluttered Politics
3 min readNov 14, 2022


Photo by Jose Antonio Gallego Vázquez on Unsplash

The World Economic Forum’s Great Reset is on everyone’s lips and is being pushed by the political and economic elite. This agenda is already bearing its first fruits: Sri Lanka and about 100 other countries are on the brink of civil war.

Of course, we must become carbon neutral and protect the environment and the climate in such a way that flora and fauna and also we humans have a chance to survive. However, such a change can never be enforced hastily and with state violence. That is not sustainable. People must be included in a way that enables them to adapt, to change their behaviour, and not by taking away their livelihood. This brings us to the problem of energy. Energy is the basis of life for our developed society. We can’t do without it. It’s crazy to think that 100 years ago, many people could get by without electricity and were self-sufficient. The majority of today’s population can no longer do so. We depend on energy producers, power grid operators, food manufacturers and supermarkets.

Moreover, energy is one of the foundations of our prosperity. If this is lacking, then a society will fall apart. If we can no longer maintain our prosperity, we will hardly be able to pay attention to how we generate our energy or whether we act sustainably. The top priority will then be to maximize our standard of living.

Especially here in Germany, we face deindustrialization in the long run, if we do not solve our energy problem. Perhaps this is also the creative destruction that the WEF or Klaus Schwab talks about in his book. In the short term, and especially this winter, there is a risk of brownouts or even blackouts in a country that was once known for having one of the most secure and stable power grids. The brownouts can be seen as local blackouts. It may also be that these are deliberately triggered. In this case, local load shedding would occur to prevent a nationwide blackout.

I have only recently heard of a butcher’s shop that previously had energy costs of 2500 euros per year. In the meantime, the costs have risen and for the year 2022, energy costs of almost 9000 euros are to be expected. That is no longer endurable and all because the governments subordinate themselves to an ideology and do not even notice that their ideology is hypocritical.

For a change in thinking to take place in the entire population, it seems that the pain must become greater first. With enough resistance, perhaps there can be a change in thinking so that people don’t try to solve those problems in the same unsuccessful way that they have been doing. For Einstein, this was the definition of stupidity.

In the case of bakers and butchers, I think they should join forces and pass on 100% of the costs to their products. Then a loaf of bread costs 10–20 euros. If the small entrepreneurs do not start to fight back now, they will vanish from the scene and be replaced by large chains. But perhaps this is also intended. No small businesses and few large businesses — that is also the goal of the Great Reset. The latter are easier to manage and control.

It is important that the protest starts everywhere, non-violently but effectively. Share your ideas for a non-violent protest in the comments if you like.

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Maximilian Schima
Decluttered Politics

Scientist in electrical power engineering, most interested in ideas that can change the world especially from economics and science