You are responsible!

If we take responsibility, the bad cannot gain a foothold but freedom can.

Maximilian Schima
Decluttered Politics
4 min readJun 8, 2024


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Politics is probably a difficult topic in every country in the world, with different opinions clashing. But what always remains the same is the desire for justice when politicians do wrong or even criminal things, that they are prosecuted. If more politicians had to bear more responsibility and consequences for their actions, many things would be better. For example, politicians would be less influenced by lobbyists or fewer taxes would be wasted.

Unfortunately, this is not the case. In a system in which politicians are no longer even criticized by the media, they will not be forced to take on more legal responsibility.

The process is always the same. A person or group decides bad things. This results in damage that the population has to bear. In some cases, an investigation is then carried out and a trial actually takes place. Even if this is the case, no lasting change takes place. The game is played over and over again in the same way. Bad actors will always exploit the system and try to get away with it for as long as possible. In most cases, they already have so much influence and connections that prosecution is not wanted, as there are too many other influential or „important“ people involved.

Therefore, people should not rely solely on the system to fix the problems and damage because it rarely does so. Especially if the system is heavily infiltrated by bad actors.

So what is the solution?

People must learn to take personal responsibility for their choices and actions, and not blindly trust politicians, experts or other supposed professionals.

Have you listened to bad financial advice without looking into the subject yourself and now lost money? Then it’s not the advisor’s fault.

You had a medical procedure carried out without informing yourself thoroughly and in a balanced way beforehand? Then it’s not the doctor’s fault.

The list could go on with many more examples from life. The basic problem, however, is that we have not educated ourselves on the issues and thus taken true responsibility for our own lives. We humans are too happy to pass on responsibility so that in the end, if something goes wrong, we have someone to blame who is not us. With this attitude, however, nothing will fundamentally change. Not you and especially not in the world.

On the other hand, in a world where people educate themselves and take responsibility, fraudsters, fake experts, etc. have no power or influence. They don’t even get into a position to do bad things. Even if they are in a position to do so, their influence is limited by the personal responsibility of the population, and only when this happens will we see lasting changes in our social system. Otherwise, we will continue to wander around blindly as humanity and make the same mistakes over and over again.

It is by no means easy to take on more personal responsibility. If you make the wrong decisions, you have only yourself to blame and it can be very painful to live with the consequences. But in return, you gain independence and freedom.

Freedom vs. Security

Some would argue, on the other hand, that if they gave up this freedom, they would get security in return. Freedom and security are often weighed up against each other. In other words, you either have security or freedom. I disagree because the security you think you‘re gaining by giving up your freedom is an illusion. If I give up my personal responsibility, I don’t get more security. How am I supposed to know which interests the person to whom I am handing over responsibility is pursuing? Which third parties will make money from my investment, if I make a loss? Will the doctor be paid because he sells this or that medicine? So, there are many new factors of uncertainty that come into play when I hand over my responsibility to others. Therfore, I will not gain true security.

I hope I have been able to show why it is important for us individually to take responsibility, but also as a society to create a system that cannot harm us.

I appreciate your feedback, whether you agree with me or not, so please comment, highlight or clap.

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Disclaimer: The information contained herein is for informational purposes only. Nothing herein shall be construed to be financial, legal or tax advice. The content of this text is solely the opinions of the speaker who is not a licensed financial advisor or registered investment advisor. The author does not guarantee any particular outcome.



Maximilian Schima
Decluttered Politics

Scientist in electrical power engineering, most interested in ideas that can change the world especially from economics and science