Tethering your mobile data to PC via USB

Patrick Gichini
Published in
1 min readOct 9, 2017

Internet connection has become one of the highest priority needs in our society today. Everybody wants to be connected 24/7.

Problem is, you might find yourself in an area that has no wifi networks (like my neighborhood). You might also be in an area where the available wifi networks are shady and not trustworthy. But you still need to get connected somehow!

The easiest way would be to create a wireless hotspot on your phone and then connect your laptop to it which is what I usually do. However, I recently fucked up my wireless network card and can no longer access any wireless networks.

If you happen to find yourself in the same predicament, here is a simple solution. Use USB tethering:

Simply buy your cellular data bundle and make sure your mobile data is turned on.

Get a USB cable and connect your phone to your PC.

Then go to setting under wireless and networks.

Look for Tethering and portable hotspots.

NB: procedure may vary depending on phone model.

Under Tethering and hotspots, turn on the USB tethering option and voila!

You are now connected to the internet!

Originally published at Decode.



Patrick Gichini

Linux Ninja | Data Enthusiast | Sentimental Poet | Agent Boyfriend