Hack.Summit(“Blockchain”) Contest Spotlight: Bluzelle

Published in
2 min readJun 22, 2018

Bluzelle has created a challenge as a part of Hack.Summit(“Blockchain”) — a global, virtual hackathon hosted by Deconet and Hack VC that will take place from July 6th-8th, 2018.

Bluzelle is a distributed, on-demand and scalable database for DApps built on ethereum blockchain technology.

Introducing Bluzelle


Check out Bluzelle’s full challenge description here (create an account in Deconet to view it). Additional resources and judging criteria are also provided.

Bluzelle’s challenge is to build an instant messenger powered by the Bluzelle database. Here are the requirements for the contest:

  • The instant messenger allows users to send textual messages to other users.
  • Textual messages should be stored on the Bluzelle network, on a testnet swarm.
  • There should be a means to signup, either via email or via mobile phone. Bonus if there is authentication to confirm the person owns that email address or phone number
  • The instant messenger can be a web app or mobile app. Bonus for having a mobile app that runs easily on Android or iOS.
  • It is not required that the core logic for the instant messenger itself be decentralized, but it is a big bonus if you can demonstrate this (perhaps on a blockchain).

Prize: up to $5,000 USD in cryptocurrency

Sign up for the hackathon here: https://hacksummit.org/hackathon

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