Dead Certainty: The Mother of All Coverups


Dead Certainty: The Mother of All Cover-ups


In a world of uncertainty, it is human nature to seek comfort in the familiar and the known. We often cling to our beliefs and convictions with unwavering certainty, even in the face of contradicting evidence. However, dead certainty is not an ally in the pursuit of truth. A cousin of assumption mother of mistakes, dead certainty can be the mother of all cover-ups, blinding us to alternative viewpoints and suppressing critical thinking. A rigid worldview is not unique to any specific field, whether science, technology, religion, or politics. I have been exploring why dead certainty often leads to cover-ups, how it can distort understanding of the truth and ways to overcome this mental obstacle.

The Allure of Certainty:

Certainty is seductive. It provides a sense of security and control, making navigating an increasingly complex and unpredictable world easier. It is much easier for groups to get caught up in group think and viewpoints that are an alternate reality. Over the past decade, we have seen this in alternative facts and news sources based on idealogy instead of facts. Confirmation bias also allows individuals to search for answers that only confirm certain viewpoints instead of leaving an open mind. The allure of certainty is peace in knowing we are right and not needing to see other views or acknowledge differences of opinions. This unwavering conviction can lead to tunnel vision, making us prone to self-deception and cover-ups.

The Dark Side of Certainty:

If I am convinced I have all the answers, it is easy to overlook or dismiss any evidence that contradicts my beliefs. Dead certainty, however, often conceals the truth rather than revealing it and often results in a cognitive bias known as confirmation bias, where we selectively focus on information that reinforces our pre-existing beliefs while disregarding anything that challenges them.

In politics, for example, dead certainty can create a culture of cover-ups and misinformation where suppressing dissenting opinions and manipulating facts creates an environment where concealing the truth is justified to preserve the idea of certainty.

More dangerously is when dead certainty is used with religion. I almost always bristle when I hear the words “The Bible is clear……” and what comes after that sentence is unclear. Some things are evident in scripture as universal truths, such as looking at yourself before you call out someone else’s mistakes. Understanding how you judge others will result in the measure you are judged. However, throughout history, there have been plenty of things that individuals used scripture to state how men are superior to women. Justify the institution of slavery, a belief that racism is God-ordained, and so many rules on how you cannot pray in that way, on that day, or in that way. Ultimately these rules were NOT created by a loving God but by humans seeking control. These ideas, in many ways, are the complete OPPOSITE of scripture or proper theology.

Overcoming Dead Certainty:

To counteract the dangers of dead certainty and foster a genuine pursuit of truth, we must embrace a mindset of intellectual humility. This means acknowledging the limitations of our knowledge, staying open to new information, and actively seeking to understand different perspectives. Here are a few strategies to help you cultivate intellectual humility and avoid the pitfalls of dead certainty:

1. Practice active listening: Listen to others to understand their viewpoint rather than focusing on how to counter their arguments.

2. Foster curiosity: Be open to new information, even if it contradicts your existing beliefs, and ask questions to deepen your understanding of alternative viewpoints.

3. Embrace uncertainty: Recognize that it is natural not to have all the answers and allow uncertainty to be a catalyst for exploration and growth.

4. Seek diverse perspectives: Engage with individuals with differing opinions to enrich your understanding and challenge preconceived notions.


Dead certainty hinders the pursuit of truth. It can lead to cover-ups, suppression of dissent, and distortion of facts. The truth is never threatened by genuine truth-seeking. No one holds a monopoly on truth. This blog can serve the purpose of searching for truth and learning.



Andy B. Hahn
Deconstruct to Reconstruct: Dismantling Dogma

Naturally curious, passionate storyteller with wide range of interests. All about the journey never stop searching. He/Him