
Searching for Answers: Finding Serenity

Deconstruct to Reconstruct: Dismantling Dogma

Andy Hahn

Photo by Emma Simpson on Unsplash

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”

-Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

The famous quote about a spiritual being having a human experience hits on a profound level. Even in today’s fast-paced and technology-driven world, there is a deep yearning for connection and a sense of purpose. This search for spirituality often begins with grand gestures or elaborate rituals. Additionally, people often search for this spirituality to fill a void they do not even realize exists. However, understanding the ability to find spirituality and peace in the simplest of everyday experiences can be transforming. I hope that exploring the beauty of finding spirituality in the mundane aspects of life encourages you to pause, reflect, and appreciate the extraordinary hidden within the ordinary.

Building spirituality will mean vastly different things to every other person. But if something is “truth,” it is true beyond any particular creed or dogma. I find there are truths in many different belief systems. I am not saying I believe in every belief system’s individual beliefs (an impossibility), but finding the truth is never an all-or-nothing proposition.

I use the term building spirituality because spirituality often has many misconceptions. For me, it was easier to understand building muscle through working out and building perseverance and endurance by running or training for a special event. I failed to realize that these are examples of “building spirituality” when looking at it through the lens of everything having a spiritual side.

1. Cultivate Mindfulness:

Spirituality begins with mindfulness, the practice of being fully present and aware of the present moment. We can discover the profound beauty and meaning in everyday experiences by tuning in to our senses. Whether it’s savoring the aroma of a cup of coffee, feeling the sun’s warmth on our skin, or listening to the soothing sound of raindrops, embracing mindfulness helps us connect to the world and opens the door to spiritual insights.

We can cultivate mindfulness in many ways beyond just tuning into the immediate senses and taking a moment to appreciate a situation. For a sports fan, a connection between fans of a specific team brings strangers together and creates meaningful memories for those we care about. For example, I grew up and have continued to be a fan of the New York Knicks, and it would be an understatement to say being a Knicks has been brutal for the past 20 years. They have had very few bright spots, and the Knicks have been awful most of the time, becoming a joke, an organization that would make one lousy personnel decision after another. However, the Knicks had a good year this past season (2022/2023) and even won a playoff series. I was drawn into the games and excited to cheer them on. It brought back memories of being a kid in my grandfather’s basement, cheering for the 1990s Knicks team; while they never won a championship, those teams were always competitive and challenging. My Grandfather would often call the Knicks by their full name, “the Knickerbockers.” Watching the playoffs and getting excited, I texted my cousin, “How about them Knickerbockers?” and remember her responding in like manner, and we spoke about a genuinely happy memory of our Grandfather. The instant connection was not about a basketball game but being mindful of allowing the game to be a tool connecting me to my family that reaches beyond time, distance, and even physical presence.

2. Embrace Nature:

Nature has an innate ability to awaken our spirituality. Take a moment to step outside and immerse yourself in the natural world. Observe the intricate details of a flower blooming, feel the earth beneath your feet, or marvel at the vastness of the night sky. Nature offers a sense of awe and wonder, reminding us of our place in the grand tapestry of life. Connecting with the natural world’s rhythms allows us to tap into a profound sense of spirituality and interconnectedness.

There are different ways of connecting with nature. For some, it will be a hike in the woods or a walk on a beach. My closest connection to nature is through running outside. Running allows me to block out distractions, think about everything in my life, or think of nothing but the next stride. My runs are my time to pray and meditate; I find it one of the best medicines for my soul.

3. Seek Beauty in the Ordinary:

Spirituality often lies hidden within the ordinary, waiting to be discovered by intentional thoughts that can lead to otherwise regular events. It can be as simple as a baby’s first bite of ice cream when the confusion from cold first hits their senses, and then their eyes light up with joy from the sweetness. It is evident in the playfulness and imagination of a child, the kindness of a stranger, or the vibrant colors of a sunset. Everyday encounters can hold profound spiritual significance if we choose to see it. By cultivating gratitude and embracing beauty in the simplest moments, we can live a more meaningful and spiritually enriched life.

4. Practice Self-reflection:

Engaging in regular self-reflection encourages spiritual growth and introspection. Set aside time each day to quiet the mind through meditation, journaling, or simply allowing yourself to be alone with your thoughts. This practice enables you to cultivate self-awareness, explore your values and beliefs, and find deeper meaning in your experiences. We can uncover our authentic selves and nurture our spiritual connection through self-reflection.

5. Encourage Compassion:

One of the biggest things our modern society lacks is compassion. By showing kindness to our neighbors, strangers, and fellow human beings, the quest for spirituality evolves from an inward process to an outward one. Connecting with and caring for others and cultivating compassion transcends our struggles and focuses on the well-being of those around us. Extending kindness, empathy, and understanding creates positive energy that enriches our spiritual journey and contributes to a more harmonious world.


The singer/songwriter Jewel captures these attitudes in her song “Hands.”

My hands are small; I know

But they’re not yours; they are my own

But they’re not yours; they are my own

And I am never broken

In the end, only kindness matters

In the end, only kindness matters

When we realize that we are spiritual beings with shared human experiences, we can make a big difference with just a few steps and our hands. Our journey may start with searching for answers to impossible questions, but if done correctly will lead to truth and serenity.



Andy B. Hahn
Deconstruct to Reconstruct: Dismantling Dogma

Naturally curious, passionate storyteller with wide range of interests. All about the journey never stop searching. He/Him