According To The Bible, There’s No Such Thing As Women

Women don’t exist

Lilith Helstrom
Deconstructing Christianity
3 min readDec 24, 2022


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

A lot of atheists and non-Christians will point out that the Bible contradicts itself in different places.

Sometimes you don’t even need to turn the page. Sometimes you can find the Bible contradicting itself in the same verse.

Take the following verse for example about the creation of mankind.

Genesis 1:27 says…

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

This verse is often used to condemn trans people and say they shouldn’t exist.

According to this verse, God created man and woman biologically. Nothing else. Nothing in between or extra or different. Christians say that you must go by the genitalia you were born with to determine which gender you are.

But the verse itself doesn’t even make sense. Christians don’t believe that God should be called “she” ever. He is male and referred to as male even in this passage. Because he’s not trans or gender fluid, he can never be female.

But it says humanity was created in “his” image. Both “male and female” were made to be like “him.”



Lilith Helstrom
Deconstructing Christianity

I talk about religion, sex, emotions, and life. Whatever I happen to be thinking about that I think might be interesting. Top Writer in multiple categories.