Blessings from the Flying Spaghetti Monster


Be it known that the only reason for your existence is the graciousness of the one we call the Father of Pasta.

I shall call upon Him to deliver you from gluten intolerance and into the boiling waters of vermicelli…to cleanse you of all doubt of His holiness and love.

His Garlic Bread of inclusion shall be baked in the holy oven, and shall be broken for you. Eat of this, His noodley goodness, and His meatballs of healing.

Glory to His Parmesan and His Sauce that shall be poured, to protect you from your transgressions against those who don’t deserve your wrath.

Kindness be from He on high, and holy noodles for all!




Steve Ghikadis
Deconstructing Christianity

Secular Humanist, married to a Christian…raising freethinkers. Let’s find ways to work together! All we have is each other ❤️