Did god say?

The voices of people say yes

Deconstructing Christianity
2 min readNov 13, 2023


Photo by Edwin Andrade on Unsplash

I remember being in church, and someone always said god told them something. As a beginner, I fell into itching ears and desired to hear what god was saying. A lot of times, it was things like “God wants to bless you” or “he wants to use you so bad” — blah, blah, blah. When I fell from grace, though, that’s when people became mean and started cursing me. They felt proud, saying God told them to do it.

Now that I think about it, some Christians believe that they are gods. They dare to speak in the name of god for others to submit. Fear tactics are being used to get people under the church’s authority.

A lot of people who profess to believe are angry; therefore, for me to accept their anger, they say God told them to speak harsh things, so I could feel just as miserable as they were.

The words that people use have the power to make or break you. Words are spells, and those in leadership know this. They use these words to harm you. Why must I be broken to receive the “blessings of god”?

Why must I hear from “Prophets of god” that I’m doomed when I leave your congregation? And I have to say this: where were these “Prophets” when the pandemic hit the earth? Why didn’t your God warn you before it happened? For it is written:

“Surely the Lord God, will do nothing, but he revealeth his secrets unto his servants the prophets”~Amos 3:7

Where were those who speak for god then? Why were they not available to lay hands on the sick?

Photo by Mick Haupt on Unsplash

I will end this by saying a few people tried to speak curses over me and justify it by saying what god said. Well, I will tell you, your words have no more power over me. Your words can’t condemn me anymore.

I have held myself in the imprisonment of my mind because of the words that were spoken over me for far too long. I’m setting myself free. I’m tired of being “broken” to receive something already in me. Love dwells in me, and I choose to live by that. So you can keep your god, keep your books, and keep your thoughts. I don’t need them in my life any longer 🙏🏽❤️.



Deconstructing Christianity

I believe writing can heal the soul from emotional trauma