Drunk, Naked, and Mocked

Thelonious Cornpepper
Deconstructing Christianity
4 min readMay 5, 2023


Noah doubt about it: this was a sorry episode in the life of a patriarch

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Good morning. Today’s sermon is about Noah when he got drunk, naked, and violated all at the same time.

Noah, you may recall, is the dude who survived a worldwide flood along with his family by building an ark. Once the flood was over and things dried out, he settled down and became a farmer.

As a farmer, Noah had a vineyard, and apparently he produced a good amount of wine from the grapes grown in the vineyard. But his winemaking activities led to an unfortunate incident when Noah drank a little too much wine and got drunk as a skunk.

The Bible doesn’t say whether this was an isolated incident or if Noah had a chronic problem with alcohol. This was a few years before Alcoholics Anonymous was founded, so let’s give Noah the benefit of the doubt and assume it was an isolated incident. Lots of people who use alcohol with any regularity can remember times when they got a little more tipsy than they meant to. It happens.

Once he was inebriated, Noah somehow ended up naked in his tent. Why was he naked? The Bible doesn’t say. As a general rule, people are naked either while bathing or engaging in sexual activity, but none of that is mentioned in the narrative.

