Halloween: A Chance To Revive Our Dead Ancestors

Not literally, of course

Andrew Gaertner
Deconstructing Christianity


Donald Myers holding my mom. Photo from my grandma’s collection.

Halloween is a good time to designate a place in your house to honor and show gratitude to our ancestors. This place could be called an “ancestor altar.” The place of honoring ancestors could be as small as a photograph with a candle by it or it could be elaborate, honoring many ancestors with objects and offerings.

It could even be an essay on Medium.

We can use genealogy research to find photos and documents that might form part of the altar. Family tree research can reveal names and information that we might otherwise be ignorant of, and it can help us to know who and what exactly we might be grateful for.

Our ancestor altars can be places for healing. As we recognize and appreciate our ancestors, we can show love for ancestors who we otherwise might have dismissed or denigrated. In our love and gratitude to those ancestors, we also revive and rescue the parts of ourselves that have connections to those people. Ancestor love is self-love, and ancestor appreciation is self-appreciation.

There are cultures around the world where ancestor love is not just about self-healing. It can transcend space and time and bring healing on a spiritual level to individuals, families, and cultures.



Andrew Gaertner
Deconstructing Christianity

To live in a world of peace and justice we must imagine it first. For this, we need artists and writers. I write to reach for the edges of what is possible.