Jesus Is Real!

Finally, the case is closed.

Deconstructing Christianity
3 min readFeb 5, 2024


Photo by Matt Botsford on Unsplash

After reading yet another article listing the “facts” that “prove” Jesus is real, I’m finally convinced. Here are my proofs. I’m sure they’ll win you over too.

The Name

All the letters in the name “Jesus” are in the alphabet. Many other words made using some of the same letters refer to things everyone knows are real: jello, Dr. Seuss, sloppy joes. The same letters can’t describe both things that exist and things that don’t. Therefore, Jesus is real.

Multiple Witnesses

A search for articles about Jesus — on the internet as a whole or just on Medium — will produce an almost endless list. Everyone knows that multiple assertions establish a fact beyond any reasonable doubt. Therefore, Jesus is real.

Actual Places

Jerusalem is a real place. Stables are real. There were towns with wells and inns and huts in the area where the New Testament stories were set. To top it off, there is The Church of the Nativity — the actual place of Jesus’ birth. If the places in the stories are real, then the stories are real, so Jesus is real.

Agricultural Corroboration

Two of the gospels (Matthew and Luke) include a story of Jesus sending demons into a herd of pigs, who then commit suicide. Pigs are real — if you drive around in rural areas for a while, you might see some. This proves that the story in the gospels is real, which proves that Jesus is real.

The Power of Prayer

People pray, and every once in a while the things they pray for actually happen. Many of these things can’t be explained in any other way. Parking places don’t just become available as you drive around. People don’t recover from a serious illness or injury because of medical intervention. The only logical explanation for these events is that prayer works, which can only be true if Jesus is real.

Closing Thoughts

Think the arguments I’ve laid out are silly? Of course they are. However, they are no sillier than the arguments I’ve come across many times, used by people to “prove” that Jesus existed or that the Bible is “true.”

Anyone is entitled to believe whatever they want, as long as their beliefs don’t lead to harm for other people. Crazy, indefensible beliefs don’t deserve to be respected, but those who believe them do — again, as long as they keep their beliefs to themselves and don’t use them to oppress others.

Sadly, since a fundamental tenet of Christianity is the spreading of the “good news,” the likelihood of them keeping their beliefs to themselves is pretty low. As for “doing no harm,” the history of religion and the behavior of the religious in the present time would suggest that respecting others’ rights and well-being isn’t high on the priority list.

Other than that, religion is great. Jesus is real. So, by the way, and at the same level of proof, are Big Foot and the Loch Ness monster.



Deconstructing Christianity

Parent, grandparent, transgender woman. I write poetry and prose, mostly on the topics of being transgender, Christianity, politics, and child abuse.