My top ten reasons for living God-free (in no particular order)

Deconstructing Christianity
2 min readDec 4, 2023
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

I usually do not like doing top ten lists, but I am feeling one today. So here goes…

My top ten reasons for living God-free (in no particular order)

1. No more fear of going to hell because hell does not exist (and neither does heaven.)
2. Instead of wasting time praying, I can put my energy into action.
3. Extra money since I don’t have to worry about being cursed for not tithing.
4. I can help someone because it is the right thing to do, instead of doing it for spiritual brownie points.
5. My steps are ordered by me and not by some imaginary otherworldly being.
6. I walk by sight and have very little use for faith (except when it comes to my favorite football teams.)
7. I am free to explore the world without an inherent Christian bias.
8. Sex without guilt.
9. Peace of mind, knowing that my mind is not a battlefield between the holy spirit, Satan, and the flesh.
10. Making the most of my time on earth because once I die, that’s it.

Bonus: I can be in awe of the miracle of life that is me, understanding that I have descended from countless people, animals, and microorganisms until I get to compounds, elements, stardust, then perhaps…nothingness.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash



Deconstructing Christianity

Philosopher. Afrofuturist. Lover of all life. Always deconstructing and deconverting. Fond of decoding language games