So Who Is God, Anyways?

The Onyx Phoenix.
Deconstructing Christianity
2 min readOct 10, 2024
Photo by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash

Who is this God that the Christians claim to worship? Who is this big beard in the sky with the hammer? And did he fight Thor to get the hammer?

So much smiting, so little time!

This God sure seems to hate women. Has anyone else noticed this? All evil came into the world through women. Women caused the first sin, and made Adam eat the forbidden fruit. Women caused original sin. Women still make men sin through their temptress bodies. Women dress slutty and bring on sex crimes. “What was she wearing?” “ Why was she drinking?”

The women led the pastors astray in the evangelical churches. God, what were you thinking when you took that rib? You should have left Adam alone with a sheep. I don’t think the serpent could have tempted the sheep and caused the sheep to eat the forbidden fruit.

So men, remember, when you screw up, it is always a woman’s fault. The religion says so.

Now, back to smiting!

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The Onyx Phoenix.
Deconstructing Christianity

The Onyx Phoenix is an adopted human who survived abuse and has become an adoption activist. Like a Phoenix, I rose from the ashes of adoption, and survived