The Greatest Threat to Christianity…Christians

Steve Ghikadis
Deconstructing Christianity
4 min readMay 20, 2024


Maybe not the greatest threat…but it’s definitely up there.

Prominent Christians are all over the news, crying over the hemorrhaging of churchgoers and nominal affiliates from the religious population numbers.

Especially the churchgoers.

More and more churches are shutting their doors and being turned into…anything but a place of worship.

They keep asking what is causing this, while not having the wisdom to look internally for at least most of the issues.

Sexual misconduct scandals, outdated doctrine, judgment of others, tribalism…all of these come to mind. Not to mention the advancement of outside influence and ideas, like the internet, higher education and advanced technology. All pointing to the absence of the need for a supernatural superpower.

But what else could be driving people away from the church…and not bringing people in?

Could it be the people themselves?

From my experience, I would say yes.

It’s the best example of self-fulfilling prophecy I’ve ever seen.

They can’t even help it.

When I go to church with my wife (as an atheist), there are a few types of Christians I run into:

1. Fake Nicers

These people try to “love bomb” you with almost alien-like smiles and piercing eyes. I usually can’t event listen to what they say because their mere presence triggers my fight or flight response. I don’t stick around them very long…if I can help it. A quick hi and bye will suffice.

2. Fake Believers

I will sometimes ask people what they think of the sermon or a certain passage. When the response is something akin to “meh,” or straight up disgust…I always want to scream: “we’ve got one!” and hit an alarm like Janine in Ghostbusters.

3. Fire and Brimstoners

What you’re picturing.

Enough said.

4. Biblical Literalists

These people have no qualms speaking negatively about others, especially minorities or 2SLGBTQIA folks. I’m not sure how they got this far in life, speaking the way they do. Advocating for slavery and sexism, among other charming pronouncements are their M.O.

5. Choose Your Own Adventurers

However they can twist the doctrine to suit their needs, they do. Cherry pickers, cafeteria Christians, rigged deckers…whatever you want to call them. God always agrees with them. So naturally, they can’t be wrong.

6. Story Pushers

Always quoting passages or retelling certain parts of Bible stories that they think have a specific point. Usually newly converted or born-again types. I also classify the Sunday school teachers as story pushers, because they can’t just let kids have fun without colourful indoctrination intentions.

7. The Evidencers

I’ve had numerous people tell me that their god can be proven scientifically and then ramble on about numbers, probabilities and possibilities…boring. If you have to try to explain the existence of a supernatural being using mathematical equations that are above both of our heads…I’m not going to be convinced. I thought the whole point was that “God” can’t be proven. Isn’t that what faith is for?

8. The Praisers

Just, wave your hands in the m*********in’ air, and wave the m**********ers like you just don’t care!

9. The Leftovers

Everybody else.

Keep it to yourselfers, ChrEasters, stranger fearers, shuffle away in the pewers, etc.

Pretty much, the ones that leave you alone.

And thank the good lord for these ones 😜

10. Ministers, Preachers, other Creatures

They’ve been taught how to walk, talk and perform a charade every Sunday. Even the ones that believe it to their bones and tell it like they think it is…you can see, hear and feel their desperation to reach their audience. It’s a business and they’re selling an invisible product…genius!

Churchgoers are shocked that people are falling away, and hardly any newcomers are sticking around.

Why would they?

It’s like going to a circus and the carnies are surprised you don’t want to become a clown.

I’m here for the entertainment…not to be part of the show.

Even those seeking assistance have to weigh their options of being part of this act.

For some, sure…it’s more of a benefit than a burden.

But not for all.

A lot Christians are well-intentioned, but lacking situational awareness.

I don’t mind interacting with any of the characters listed above, but they definitely don’t help their cause.

They’re their own biggest enemies.

Unless you’re in the club…

…you just don’t get it.



Steve Ghikadis
Deconstructing Christianity

Secular Humanist, married to a Christian…raising freethinkers. Let’s find ways to work together! All we have is each other ❤️