What Happens When The Heart Is Hardened

Is there a way to overcome the heart that has been spoiled? Can it be made whole? Let’s see!

Deconstructing Christianity
3 min readJan 6, 2024


Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

The picture above resembles the human heart, but it’s a rock. This is the perfect picture for my post. There are times in our lives when we will go through the stage of having a hardened heart. Let me explain.

There was a time in my life when my heart was hardened. I had just had an emotional breakdown because of the toxicity of the church, so I started to look at Christians sideways. I made myself believe that they were arrogant and full of pride. They believed that god was speaking to them often. I was frustrated by this, and I chose to give off an attitude. Many said I was bringing shame to Christ. 🙄

I had to learn things through communication and having my own experience. When you are hurt by religion, a lot of toxic things can come from that. It took me to a place of a dark hole. A place that I thought I would never climb out of.

However, I’m choosing to remove the hardness that it brought. Walking around angry at Christianity was making me sick. I was missing out on life due to doctrine.

Christianity taught me a lot of history that I never wanted to know. It has a darkness behind it that no one really discusses because it removes the illusion of goodness.

I couldn’t support all the death and human sacrifice anymore. I will never understand why the Bible’s god requires human suffering for us to have “good lives.” I could admit my understanding is limited but it hurts when I think about it.

I can’t force people to have those conversations because it may be hard for them to do so. I get it because I used to be there. However, I think they lack understanding when I say that it’s okay that I’m taking a different route. I will stand by this saying I mentioned before: many people only serve God because they don’t want to go to hell. So, some are only serving out of compulsion.

I wonder if fire, brimstone, and torture were removed, would they still love god? Many will say yes, but I’m not sure about that. I guess I’ll never know🤷🏽‍♀️. However, I can honestly say that once that was removed for me, so was the hardness. I am choosing to live in a way that brings my mind peace. I am choosing to believe that my people are not cursed (more on that in a future post.) And so when I hold on to peace, that hardness is removed. I’m okay with that now.

My journey is my journey and I will walk on it by myself. My heart is no longer hardened so I’m proof that a hardened heart can be healed with time. 🙏🏽



Deconstructing Christianity

I believe writing can heal the soul from emotional trauma