Why Christians Asking Atheists to Pray to God for Answers Falls Short

Exploring why prayer fails to resolve non-believers’ questions about the Bible and Christianity

Sheng-Ta Tsai
Deconstructing Christianity


Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

I pose challenging questions about Christianity on various social media platforms. Sometimes, I receive straightforward answers. Other times, Christians suggest that I pray to God for answers.

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When I explain that I did ask God for answers — after all, I was a Christian for over twenty years and struggled a lot before concluding that Christianity is false — they respond differently. They often claim that I never truly believed, that I hate God, or that I simply refuse to accept the answers God provided.

I see this kind of response as a cop-out. Instead of addressing my questions about their faith, it turns into an attack on my motivation or sincerity.

Will they be willing to pray for an answer themselves?

If Christians genuinely believe that prayer works, why don’t they pray and ask God for an answer they can relay to me? Surprisingly, or perhaps unsurprisingly, whenever I request them to pray for an answer and share it with me, they always find excuses not to.



Sheng-Ta Tsai
Deconstructing Christianity

I write on Psychology, Religion, Self Improvement and Data Science. Visit my digital template shop: https://digitallife1.etsy.com