
As i have been a huge supporter of tabligh jamat the incident happened on 1st december hurted me so much.Now lets see what was role of Bangladesh police and administration in this aspect.on 1st december of 2018 two separated group from tabligh jamat had a direct collision in Tongi,gazipur where world iztema used to take place in the previous occasions. Firstly let me know you that what is reason behind this collision between two groups those who were renouned for unparallel margin of brotherhood within muslim ummah.The basic misunderstanding between two group started with some of debateful speech stated by mawlana saad kandolobhi from india during his bayan over the times which were severely daunting some of the principles of religion islam.so darul ulum deobond which has been the parameter for islamic shariah in sub continent put a veto over this and instructed mawlana saad to make an apology. But as per the statements from ulamas mawlana saad refused to do that and continued his audacity .Thats why darul ulum deobond and renound ulamas from india pakistan bangladesh and in some cases arabs suggested the tablighi sathees that it would be better for them not to follow him any more as well as his instructions within tablighi activities. After that what hapoened that some of the people rejected mawalana saad and some started to support him even being against the fotwa of akabir alems from sub continent. But this dividends hurted both group of people at the time stating themselves on the right track in both the cases.Along with this group antigroup stalemates the activities started to be accomplished separately too.In this process both the groups called for programmes in tongi on 30th November to 4th december and 7th december to 11th december respectively. Better to mention the 1st one was called from mawalana saad group and the former one from the ulamas.as per schedule of the programmes of ulamaye keram some people ,teachers and students from different madrasas started to come at tongi and making the final preparation for the programme. Where as there was no sign from saad group that they were doing such kind of activities for their scheduled programme.but as the schedule was very collide full the govt forbade both the group not to make any audacity as the nation election was very near.and within that time as the preparation for scheduled programme for anti saad group was going on the govt forbade saad group to make any programme in tongi.so after that everything was going very nicely the work progress amal etc etc inside iztema field,tongi by the anti saad group.but things got worsen when suddenly the saad group gathered together from different corner of bangladesh and started to take an attacking position just outside the iztema areas tongi.special mentioning that it was done by the signals from forid uddin masud and wasiful islam those who had been some of the debating figures in their own fields.on that particular day making everyone surprised the saad group attacked the tongi field agressively by breaking week gates and beating the in charge people in the gates violating the govt instruction and police command.after getting inside of the tongi field they startec to wound the students ,teachers and common people with an attempt to murder and fired down almost everything in the names field regaining their programmes.and that result was more then 200 people injured one died and problem for normal life for mass people occurred as it caused a huge traffic jam in dhaka mymensing road.more than that the biggest lose was a muslim with full of sunnah wounded his brother with the same diposal, wounded the students and teachers from madrasa those who are the guides of ummah.Now the fact is that it was told from head of the administeation and bangladesh police that the overall lookafter on the matter ,the tongi field and people inside the field would be ensured. No one will able to enter from outside as police will take a guard there and ministry of home affairs forbade one party to take anykind of position near there.but they violated the instruction from administration, the govt order and lastly got inside the field without even bothering the police force as police force were found doing nothing against their agressive aproaches.but what is actual reason behind all this systematical break down from all the support corners featured from administrarion and govt????was it preplanned???or just because mr wasiful islam is having so many influence on diiferent sectors both domestically and internationally???or just because one of the close relative of mr wasiful islam mr mahfuz anam is the author of leading daily news Daily Star???to me clearly our administration and precisely bureaucratic administration failed to be impersonal here as it has been a significant feature of ideal bureaucracy given by max weber.

