The Ministry of Law Unveiled

At present one of the most morphemes topics is Digital Security Act-2018.It is debatable because there are some sections in this act which actually reflect the inefficiency and biased role of the ministry of law to the incumbent government. If anyone looks into the act very sincerely, it becomes as clear as daylight.

At first it is against free journalism and make a clear obstacle to practise it.We all know that journalism protects the rights of knowing of the mass and explore the abuses of power by the powerful before the country. But through this act,the path of free journalism is being blocked. Then,isn't this act making the paths of abusing power by the powerful?Isn't it the reflection of partiality of the ministry of law to the government?

Constitutionally Bangladesh is a democratic country. Protecting individuals rights is the main characteristic of democracy. But by the power given through digital security act to the police, now they would be able to search individuals home, office even bodyand would be able to seize individuals' computers and computer network. Those activities by police put out the rights of individual. Isn't it questioning the democracy?

It is seen that those laws in which the terms are explained clearly, crimes are specific and punishment is in compatible with the crimes, only through those laws the rules of laws can be obtained. Besides precision of the terms included in the act reflects the efficiency of the ministry of law.But there remains ambiguity in the terms included in digital security act and one can explain those terms in one's own perspective. Therefore the act reflects the inefficiency of the ministry of law,doesn't it?

Apart from these, the section 32 of the digital security act has incorporated the colonial Official Secrets Act-1923 in term of digital surveillance. Analysing history we would be able to know that the official secrets act - 1923 was introduced to keep the British government unaccountable. My question is, has the official secrets act-1923 been incorporated in digital security act to keep the government unaccountable? One the other hand, the more the government organizations remain unaccountable, the more the organizations become corrupted Then,has the digital security act been introduced to give corruption institutional validity?

According to a section of this act,if a person executes any propaganda through digital way against liberation war,the father of the nation, the national anthem and national flag or any other person, then it will be a criminal act.But what will be considered as crimes under this section is not clearly defined. As a result from the fear of being criminal,Educationists,researchers will be uninspired to do research on owr liberation war,father of the nation and so on.Question arisen,hasn't it stifled the path of free thinking?

Besides under the provision of the digital security act if any person publishes defamatory information in section -499 of the penal code,in the website or any other electronic forms,then he shall be punished. But there is section 57 of ICT act to punish for publishing defamatory information against anyone. Then what is the need of introducing another act as there is existing one.Then question may be arisen, has the section been introduced to achieve any other illegal purposes?

Above all,there are lots of section in digital security act which explore the real face of the ministry of law.

