rahidur rahat1691
Deconstructing Public Administration
4 min readNov 13, 2018

This is raw story that can suit our topic.Everybody talked about their bitter interactions with bureaucrats in different perspectives.And i am lucky to say that my experience is with my beloved university.That is regarding my re admission process in the academical year 2017–18.After skipping the 2nd semester of 2016–17 session i started my academical activities in the 2nd semester of 2017–18 session.My task started with the application of re admission in the department. And by the grace of almighty Allah it happened quiet easily but the problem started when the application was sent dean’s office for the further procedures.Being a student from cadet college background my idea was everything in the world is as stricted /disciplined or smooth as we used to see in my cadet college days.Fortunately today The almighty had a precise plan to teach me a new lesson or to introduce me with a new world which is more cruel(apology for using such harsh word).After searching my documents and papers attached to my re admission application in Register Building,i found nothing there.Then from 307 of the particular building i was instructed to go back to dean’s office for further details about those papers that exactly where those papers were sent from dean’s office.By that time i came to know that this was the natural behaviour the people of Register building that they used to like people to run like a pet from table to table.But i couldn’t imagine that they could have such a bossom friend like our dean’s office of faculty of social science.Because coming back to dean’s office i couldn’t really decide myself that i should lough ,cry or shout.As because my exam was knocking at the door , i needed to get my done before 14/15th november at least to attend the exam.But whenever i found my papers were still getting fans of dean’s office by the date of 11th November with 0% of my total procedure getting completed i found myself nowhere but at a stake.Then i asked mr. Arif the man in charge for the jobs that bhai these papers should have been in Register building by now but why these stuffs are still here?Then with a very irritating and angry face he looked at me and replied that why you didn’t meet me in between. Then I answered that was it very much essential to show my face to u to get the job done?He replied thoughtfully that probably not but this is the culture that every get their job done by this as you have come today i am sending your papers.Then completing the touch and back rehearsal at least for times from dean’s office to register building i got no result for the whole day barring to know that the whole system would take at least 20 days to get done.Almost being exhausted i came to my hall discussed with one of friends who had to face simillar scenery. Then he described that he had to go through the same harassment but he accelerated the procedures with the help of some political brother.Aftet that he suggested me to meet with the chairman of department with a enthusiastic verse that probably department head is the only person under the sky who could save me from this fickle.In the late afternoon i met my department head with one of my close senior brothers and described the total story to him.After hearing everything almost quietly he said that you are still very fool my dear.Before starting the total procedure you must have known that these people are probably the most stubborn person you will meet in your life.The dean’s office waited for your arrival to send the paper to Register building only because of if you could have given them something for snacks.And the last thing is that in this situation probably i can do nothing for you without suggesting you that please you can put some money aside for accelerating you activities otherwise it may take some more time to get everything done and i can see no hope of watching you in the exam desks this year.The story comprises only day one of my expected struggles in the total procedures.I still don’t know what is coming forth.But i am already getting the bittest of experiences of my life.still unsure of sitting for exams but not giving up hopes i am up for the forthcoming challenges. I really can't precisely define that my story is ticking which of the boxes of features of ideal bureaucracy discussed by max weber.but i really found two features is totally out of their system. One is "hierarchical authority " number two "impersonality".As beacuse during the whole i found no one as superior who can actually coduct/controll or demonstrate them to act properly.And then as one of my friends did the same work by the influence of political brother probably a bit faster than any one that actually drew me to the conclusion that they are not really impersonal too.probably these are the things which made our register building a name of scary and my list will be updated with our dean's office of faculty of social science.

