Government’s EQUILIBRIUM between a rock and a hard place…….

Riana Islam
Deconstructing Public Administration
4 min readNov 1, 2018

In this writing you might find several contemporary issues , but all those are related .The whole country were detained by transport workers in last 28th and 29th octobor . All transport passing was obstructed giving a day before declaration by transport workers . No this time they didnt raised their voice for their rights. Rather they wanted the law determining punishment for the transport workers for any transgress of law.They demanded a 8 point demand including the Road transport law.According to recently amended law, the punishment of driver would be highest 5 years if the driver is proved offender.Besides If this is a death case then the driver would be sentenced to death penalty.A few days back the Road safety law was amended for the demand of the young people all over the country after an accident .The experts said that the new level of punishment is not sufficient even.The general secretary of road transport workers federation MR Osman Ali said that they gave time limit upto 26 october for accepting their proposal.

As government didnt pay any heed to them,strike was called.It was made so effective that the whole country actually got stagnant. Before this there was protest in front of press club at saturday by Bangladesh road transport workers corporation.According to them some acts are against worker policy. In the new act , the accident are treated as crime, but in all case accidents are not intentional or controllable.In some places it was also seen that drivers who didnt join in this protest , were forced by other drivers seizing their licence.The vehicle workers mobbed burnt mobil on drivers face who were driving.In fact there a children had died in traffic jam caused by labours.

Here is an interesting thing to be noticed.He leader of labour union is Mr. Shahajan Khan , a member of current parliament also. Here comes the question whether the MP could be part of government and leader of labour union at the same time.In the constitution of our country it is clearly demonstrated that at( section 148 ,act no 02) the member of parliament when takes oath, he promises to obey all the rules and regulations of government with utmost trust.Mr Shajahan , being secretary of labour union ,called for strike which is violation of governments order.

There were sayings of some other ministers too. Respected finance minister said that the strike was totally illegal.whereas law minister Anisul Haque said that the labours called for strike without understanding the law.The road transport and bridge minister said that it can not be amended again for this time. At the next jatiya sangshad session they would think over it again.

I had to join my class in both 28th and 29th. I was so troubled . I was actually looking for a rickshaw even though the double of fare is demanded. But My luck didnt gave me such opportunities, no rickshaw pullar wanted to go. After sometime I found one police surgent came to help me. It is normal tendency of Bangladeshi people that they fear police too much anyway. When he told one of rickshaw pullar to take me , he agreed at once. Thus I felt somewhat relieved.

Meanwhile the road transport and bridge minister Obaidul qader urged the transport workers to withdraw their strike considering the public support.But they didnt pay a heed totally.They are getting such courage because they know that they have been backed by another powerful shipping minister shajahan khan . Hierarchy or order has not maintained even.

.But not always our experience with bureaucracy is bad. The police officer really helped me a lot. Most of the time we get news about police man’s taking bribe, irresponsible behaviour etc . But this time I had no option than praising him.

In the criticism of waber we gave the example of iron triangle. we have discussed that problems revolving into business group, politicians and bureaucracy. I have to add Mr Shajahan khan in both politics and interest or business group for becoming member of parliament and president of Bangladesh Road Transport workers Federation at the same time.

When strike was called even the police or other law implementing agency couldnt do anything .Thus a question raises in my mind in all kind of problems can bureaucracy always take a major role to provoke or even resist?Or the politics is more influential?Or in this case bureaucrats remained silent intentionally?

May be my suffering was even less , I have found many government and non government officials to go to their work place by rickshaw,van even on pickup giving almost double fare.May be it is easy for politicians to make public suffering easily and suddenly then for bureaucrats.Or I might be wrong. I am expecting suggestion and solution of solving my confusion.

