Distilled: Clean Architecture

Ryan Palmer
Published in
19 min readFeb 4, 2020


Clean Architecture

Author: Robert C. Martin

“Getting something to work once just isn’t that hard. Getting it right is another matter entirely. Getting software right is hard. It takes a passion for the craft and the desire to be a professional.”

Review & Thoughts

For decades, the parallels between software design and the architecture of physical structures have been a recurring source of inspiration for new paradigms and methodologies in the field of software engineering. British architect and design theorist Christopher Alexander is credited as the first to use the word “pattern” to describe architectural techniques in the 1970s. It wasn’t long before the term was being used to describe programming techniques, with plenty of accompanying literary works to permanently solidify the metaphor as industry canon.

But this is not a book of software patterns. It’s a book about software architecture. More accurately, it’s a book about the principles of software architecture. It’s an end-to-end initiation into the world of designing software systems. Understanding how to design an effective system is instrumental to your ability to contribute to it. Whether or not your job title has the word “architect” in it, you are impacting the architecture of that system with every…

