Characters and IP Licensing

As of 4/19/22… completely subject to change as things evolve!

Drew Thomas
Published in
2 min readApr 20, 2022


You may have noticed that we’re choosing the main cast of characters for the Mystery of the Deds project from the first 25% of ghosts sold. (We’ll choose the rest of the characters from the rest of the ghosts.)

But what does it mean if your NFT gets chosen to be a character?

The Deds project is based around narrative and IP. After mint, we’re building the Mystery of the Deds, crafted by our staff writing team, together with the community.

The characters that are in the narrative will be represented by real NFTs. As a community, we’ll vote on which NFT gets to be which character, and if chosen, your ghost will be solidified as a major part of the Deds IP forever. You’ll still own full, non-exclusive rights to that ghost image outside of the Deds narrative… but we’ll pay to license it from you for the narrative.

License payouts will be based on percentages of future money earned and will require accepting a boilerplate agreement before your NFT is officially a character. We’ll share the agreement publicly when it’s ready, but it will say we have non-exclusive rights to use your ghost in our story, and in exchange, you’ll be a paid a licensing fee as a percentage of future profits. The agreement transfers to the new owner in a sale, and licensing payouts go to whatever wallet is holding the ghost at the time of the payout.

Percentages of profits will be dictated by a character’s prominence in the story. Main characters get a higher percentage, so it’s advantageous to mint at some point in the first 25%, or 687 ghosts.

This post will be updated as more details are announced!

