Deduce Surpasses 400M+ Anonymized User Profiles to Preempt Online Identity Fraud

Mark Gavigan
Deduce Cybersecurity
2 min readOct 7, 2021


Deduce’s real-time Identity Network just got bigger (and smarter).

Credit: Vecteezy

Why are Deduce customers jumping for joy and online fraudsters womp-womp-womping to the nearest exit? There are lots of reasons. More than 400 million reasons, to be exact.

Deduce recently surpassed 400 million anonymized user profiles to stop online identity fraud in its tracks. These profiles comprise Deduce’s real-time Identity Network and help determine if users are who they say they are. And don’t fret over those four-letter privacy acronyms like GDPR and CCPA — Deduce maintains these profiles in a way that is fully compliant.

Deduce CEO and co-founder Ari Jacoby illustrated the significance of the company’s latest milestone.

“Identity fraud is a huge problem facing every industry that registers or logs in customers but many companies are left with very small pools of customer data that they augment by scraping the dark web for compromised credentials — an approach similar to shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted,” said Jacoby. “A real-time, identity network that can draw from over 400M user profiles with billions of daily online interactions across hundreds of thousands of websites and over one hundred attributes allows businesses to detect and see threats before crooks even target an account.”

Deduce’s repository of 400 million profiles (and growing) preempts attacks so that execs can sleep at night knowing their company is safe from the stomach-turning dangers of account takeover fraud: lost revenue, customer churn, brand damage, chargeback fees, and regulatory fines. As Jacoby alluded to, Deduce’s anonymized profiles are collected from more than 150,000 websites, and are analyzed and scored based on more than one billion daily user interactions. Big-time numbers, big-time peace of mind for Deduce’s customers.

The continued bolstering of the Deduce Identity Network reinforces what Deduce set out to do from the jump: provide companies of all sizes FAAMG-level fraud protection, and in turn provide their users a Trusted User Experience that keeps them coming back again and again. Thanks to Deduce’s powerful algorithms, users are protected from all forms of identity fraud — account opening/new registration, account takeover, and account anomalies.

Want to tap Deduce’s real-time Identity Network and make your company a fraudster-free zone? Check out Deduce’s 90-second explainer video and activate a free trial here.

