April 17, 2024

Dee Greene
Building UNDETERRED To 200 Members
2 min readApr 17, 2024

Building our new membership is HARD!!

Sometimes I hate it because I feel like we’re doing all this work just to hear that people don’t have $97/mo which is nothing compared to the $3,000-$7,000 that we used to charge.

I know it’s a different offer and that we’re selling it a different way… but it can still be very frustrating.

I’ve been following Stu McLaren’s founding member launch strategy and I haven’t gotten any traction on the posts or anybody to join.

Fortunately, we already have members, but getting new members right now seems like a huge uphill battle.

However, I know a lot has to do with how we present what we’re doing and I know that part hasn’t been perfect.

Yesterday I realized that instead of saying “We help Christian entrepreneurs achieve their dreams without letting anything hold them back”…

Instead, we need to say “without letting fear or doubt” hold them back which is more specific.

Because a lot of people don’t take action towards their dreams or give up when it gets hard because of fear and doubt.

And UNDETERRED isn’t about getting a step-by-step framework on how to achieve your dreams. It’s about making sure that fear and doubt doesn’t hold you back from getting there.

So, while it’s hard to get people in right now, I know some of that is due to our messaging and that now I need to adjust my content and strategy based on that.

I also know that either way God will provide while we figure it out so I just have to keep pushing.

All I know is that I will not give up and one day I’ll look back on these times and there will be a greater purpose in the struggle.

Going to feel amazing once we cross the 100 member mark and then 200 member mark. I know it’s coming!!



Dee Greene
Building UNDETERRED To 200 Members

Founder of UNDETERRED 🏁 Documenting my journey of chasing my "big, crazy" dreams!