April 18, 2024

Dee Greene
Building UNDETERRED To 200 Members
2 min readApr 18, 2024

We got a new member yesterday and they paid for the yearly membership!!

Which was $582. Want to include that to look back on when it’s much more than that and to remember when it was hard to get people to join when it was cheap lol

So, now we’re at 24 members.

I can feel the momentum picking up. Building this membership is a lot of hard work but it’s just like losing weight and getting in shape…

You have to just keep putting in the reps until you start to see the results and you can’t give up before you do.

It’s also amazing how powerful prayer and staying strong in our faith can be.

Yesterday morning I was kind of feeling overwhelmed, but I was trusting God for a breakthrough. And it came right on time like always!

I also got the promo video back that we started making in Budapest which I’ve been getting really good feedback on.

I also added a section on the site to help people identify if UNDETERRED would be for them. I will probably update it over time, but this is what I have now…

I’m really excited about the direction that everything is moving and I can see UNDETERRED being a huge global brand and not just another online community.

I feel like God has really big plans for what we’re doing. But the journey will be filled with plenty of setbacks and challenges so I just have to stay strong in my faith and keep taking action until we get there.

So, right now we added one new member and my goal is to add 10–20 before Saturday.

Let’s see how it goes!

I’m also really excited about documenting my journey here because it’s something that I kept putting off. But now that I finally went for it, I’m really enjoying it and looking forward to looking back on this in the future.



Dee Greene
Building UNDETERRED To 200 Members

Founder of UNDETERRED 🏁 Documenting my journey of chasing my "big, crazy" dreams!