April 24, 2024

Dee Greene
Building UNDETERRED To 200 Members
1 min readApr 24, 2024

This week I’ve been updating UNDETERRED University which I’m really excited about.

This is the framework and foundation on how to become undeterred so fear and doubt doesn’t hold you back from achieving your dreams.

It’ll be exciting to see people go through this and achieve their dreams just like I did several times when I went through this same process.

I also updated the site abit so that the headline is hopefully more clear on what we do. Here’s what it looks like…

So, now I need to finish updating the university (goal is to have it complete by next week) and then probably even move from Clickfunnels to High Level.

This will save me some money but also I think it’s just better to use long term.

However, their integration doesn’t seem to be working so I may need to move everything over manually which can be a pain.

So a lot to figure out but we’re doing it one step at a time and having faith.

It’s also really cool to see how everyone in the community is engaging with each other. It’s really feeling like we’re building something special!



Dee Greene
Building UNDETERRED To 200 Members

Founder of UNDETERRED 🏁 Documenting my journey of chasing my "big, crazy" dreams!