April 25, 2024

Dee Greene
Building UNDETERRED To 200 Members
2 min readApr 25, 2024

Yesterday, I got some really good feedback on our website. Specifically for UNDETERRED University.

I realized that I need to make sure that people have a clear idea of what it is that we’re teaching and the results they can expect from it.

So, instead of focusing on highlighting the outline of the modules, I should highlight the dreams I’ve achieved by using being undeterred. And also let people know that it’s a framework that we use so they know we have an actual method.

Here’s what I updated it to:

I also posted some headline options in a few Facebook groups and most people said that our previous headline would attract them more. Obviously, the best way to know is to split test, but I will do that in the future.

For now, here’s what I’ve changed it to…

I also recorded the entire section for “take immediate action” in the university. Really excited for more people to go through it and see the results they achieve from it.

Let’s goooooo!!!



Dee Greene
Building UNDETERRED To 200 Members

Founder of UNDETERRED 🏁 Documenting my journey of chasing my "big, crazy" dreams!