April 16, 2024

Dee Greene
Building UNDETERRED To 200 Members
2 min readApr 16, 2024

So, I’ve had this idea for about a week or so…

My “big, crazy” dream is to build our new membership UNDETERRED to 200 members.

And instead of just documenting my journey in a journal, I want to document it here that way I can possibly inspire people along the way rather than just keeping it to myself.

I won’t be focusing on getting a ton of engagement or the metrics, I’ll just be sharing just like I would if I was writing to myself.

That way I’m not the only one that can see how God is moving in my life.

Plus, I think it’ll be cool for people to witness the journey first hand but also have something to look back on once we’re doing bigger things.

Right now, we have 23 members…

I just took a free challenge my Stu McLaren on how to grow a membership and one thing he suggested is for us to keep the membership closed instead of always having it open.

That way people have a reason to join and a sense of urgency instead of putting it off for later.

So, that’s what we’re going to do. We will close it up this Friday and then focus on serving and helping the people that get in and then reopen it later.

My goal is to get 10–20 new members before then.

It’s a lot of work but I’m having faith that God will attract us to the right people.

200 members seems sooooooo far away but I get inspired when I hear about people that have THOUSANDS of members.

I know what we’re doing is super valuable and I don’t think there is anything out there that’s even close to what we’re doing and what the long term vision is.

Time to put in the work and see how this goes…



Dee Greene
Building UNDETERRED To 200 Members

Founder of UNDETERRED 🏁 Documenting my journey of chasing my "big, crazy" dreams!