Digital internship farewell

Deeds Not Words
Deeds Not Words
Published in
2 min readJun 9, 2023

By Fariha Rahman, Digital and Communications intern, Spring term 2023

Many people say college is where you find yourself and truly understand what you’re looking for in life. Unfortunately, I left college even more lost than when I started. I graduated in May 2022 with a bachelor’s in arts, technology, and communications from the University of Texas at Dallas. After graduation, I was at an all-time low, demotivated, and felt a loss of belonging. At my lowest, Deeds Not Words came knocking at my door with a purpose. My journey with Deeds Not Words started about 4 months ago as their 2023 Spring term Digital and Communications intern.

As an immigrant and person of color, my goal is to help people, whether it’s through my art or my actions. Deeds Not Words taught me change cannot happen without people like you or me. That change is in our hands and in the hands of the youth. During my internship, I had the opportunity to create informative content, graphics, and newsletters to spread knowledge and awareness against the inconsiderate laws and societal prejudice in our country. I have researched, compiled, and created material for mental health, climate justice, reproductive rights, healthcare, LGBTQIA+ rights and so much more. As I continued my internship with the belief that I was helping others, I realized I was also helping myself. I found fulfillment and contentment in my work by contributing to making change and something bigger.

As my internship comes to an end, I am sad to leave Deeds Not Words. But I hope to continue making a change and continue improving gender equity wherever I may be. It is impossible for me to list everything I learned from my time at Deeds, but I know I am leaving with a mind full of knowledge, a heart full of dedication, and a newfound purpose.

