5 reasons to exercise with your team

Kaili Kleemeier
Deekit Central
Published in
4 min readNov 9, 2016

here is hundreds of blogs and articles about living a healthy life. At Deekit, we have taken it to a new level.

The fact is: we had been sleeping too little. Irregular eating and for sure we were not exercising enough. Many bad choices altogether that led to long-lasting sickness period.

Because of this, during our last retreat, we decided to start exercising together. It took us a week to find a program that works for us.

To have everyone on board — choose what you are going to do with the entire team, too. It could be riding a bike, swimming, a simple walk or gym.

We chose a PX90 program and since the beginning of February, we have been exercising every single day. Yes, you heard me right. Every day. And I could not be happier about it. Here’s why.

It’s easier to build a habit

Building a habit is hard. It takes us less than a minute to decide to do something. 90 seconds, as research show. It also takes 90 seconds to take the easy way, to be lazy and find twenty excuses why not.

That’s why it’s awesome if your team is there to support.

There is always someone who has the motivation and ready to pull everyone in. So even if you get into the mode of “oh I can’t” — that’s just not an option. We’re all in this together.

We love PX90 because it’s just 30 minutes (insane, heavy and fun exercise). We can be back working rather fast. We exercise usually before lunch because that’s our low-period work wise. The time when the brain needs a break anyways.


Most of the time bonding is about going out for drinks, doing retreats or having a lunch. For us, exercising together is another great way to bond. Something you do together, a non-work related topic to discuss.

And there is one more magical side of it all, in my mind. Most of us have not been doing sports for a long time. I feel that I’m just such a wimp. We all expose our weaknesses and learn to become stronger. Learn to become good at sports, a stronger team, push ourselves further. Together.

Higher energy

It took a couple weeks to notice the difference.

I’m not a morning person, but it’s easier to get out of the bed in the mornings. I’m no longer tired all the time. I’m feeling productive and focused most of the time during the day.

Live a healthier life

By exercising you start living a healthier life generally as well. We decided to do sports. But now we are also eating better. We get deeper sleep and the posture has improved too amongst many other things. Things that tend to be the challenge for every person working on a computer all day.

Above all — I see a big difference in my mood. I feel better and I laugh more. So does the entire team. 😄

Remote teams can exercise together

With a little creativity, you can do all activities together as a team. No matter where in the world you are. That also includes exercising.

With PX90, our trainer is on the computer. I cannot describe how many funny looks I’ve gotten when I open my laptop in the gym next to the office.

But most of the time, we are not all in the office. Past month Andres has been living nomad life in Tenerife. Rest of the team work almost half of the time from home.

Which means we not only open the video but also have a Skype call with video and screen share. Yeah, the quality is not always excellent due to connectivity. But it’s good enough to be able to exercise together. And that’s all that matters.

Your turn

Have you tried something similar with your team? What thoughts and tips would you share? 😄

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Originally published at www.deekit.com/blog



Kaili Kleemeier
Deekit Central

Founder and CEO of Deekit, former Operations Lead at Skype, Techstars Alumni. Love music, good design, art and often count time in the amount of movies.