How to find a remote job [Part 2]

Deekit Central
Published in
3 min readSep 23, 2017

Previously we gave you the rundown on how to find the remote job of your dreams. Part two is a little different. This is the case study of how Blake scored his role at Deekit! Did he follow the principles laid out in the first part of this article? Read on to find out.

Before I did anything

I made sure I had a really clear vision of the type of company I wanted to join:

Remote Ready: I believe remote the future of work and I wanted the company I worked for to share the same values. The company I joined had to be living this already.

A growing startup that is ready to grow some more: I wanted to join business that I could help grow. They didn’t need to have all the answers yet (I wanted to help with that), but they had to have the potential to exponentially scale. Equally, I didn’t want to join something too big, I wanted be along for some of the journey too!

They were building a product I liked and would use: As a marketer, it’s not easy to speak about something you don’t like. I had to love the product.

Awesome people: I go with my gut when it comes to people. I was going to be speaking to these people every day, so I had to like them.

Opportunity over money: Of course money is important but I wouldn’t choose money over an awesome opportunity if I was faced with this dilemma (which luckily I wasn’t). I promised myself that I’d always think long-term goals over short-term gains.

So after I had decided exactly what I wanted, I followed the direct approach outlined in part one. I found an awesome article about startups that may be hiring remotely and I also compiled a tonne of other lists from various sources. From there I systematically went through the companies and decided which met my criteria and which didn’t. I had to keep reminding myself it was important to be ruthless while still keeping an open mind though!

The Important Numbers

The list was cut down by over 60%. The next step was to find the emails of the key people I wanted to speak to using Hunter. Then came the fun bit, it was time to actually reach out to them!

Just so you can understand the sort of scale I was working at, after checking my spreadsheet, I can see I emailed 66 companies in total, so quite a few!

Out of those, I received 12 responses after email #1 (18.2%). After a follow up email, I received an additional 16 responses (24.2%), taking my total response rate to 28 (42.4%).

That wasn’t to say that all of this were positive. I divided them into three categories:

I decided that I’d proceed with those that were interested after two emails, instead of sending another follow up. By carrying on it’s worth remembering that your odds of a reply increase significantly. Don’t be disheartened if replies aren’t flooding your way, remember that timing is a big issue too. You have to hope that when you are reaching out there is a need for your services. Luckily for me, there was!

From this point I started conversations and weighed up my options. Eventually I came to the decision that Deekit was the one I wanted. They met all of my criteria and I had a good feeling about the position, team and vision.

It’s important that with any job search, you don’t get caught up in the hiring process. Always refer back to what you originally wanted. As soon as that’s confirmed, you’re good to accept!

I don’t claim that my technique is the best out there, it was just what worked for me. Hopefully though, this article will help you formulate some ideas to find the remote job you’re looking for.

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