The Ups of Depression


Depression and mental health have myriad conditions associated with them, often several present at once in a person. I have spoken about my anxiety and depression here at length, but wanted to highlight one of the “odd” flip-sides of my personal brand of mental health.

Like my mother before me, my personality is a little manic at times, flowing from Eyore style downs to Tigger like ups and back again — rapidly and uncontrollably. I’ll have days where, for no reason at all, I am so down I can hardly move, which is pretty devastating. At times however, the mirror to this is also pretty hardcore in its nature. The ups!

This morning I woke up on a high. The world seemed great. I had my morning coffee, got the kids doing stuff they enjoyed and started cleaning the kitchen. When my wife can down, I chatted and carried on, flitting here and there doing “stuff”.

“Great” I hear you say, that sounds awesome and a really good start to Sunday. The trouble is, it was all turned up to 11. I rushed around with little focus. I talked incessantly. My hands were shaking, my pulse racing and my head positively giddy. I felt like I was in some kind of upper. A fight or flight adreniline rush that would last hours.

I recognised the problem after about an hour and switched to decaf, forcing myself to slow down and breathe. I then warned my wife (who already knew because she is awesome).

Why did I warn her?

Because what comes next is a little unpredictable. I could already feel the exhaustion that usually follows one of these episodes. Next, I’ll slow down and start talking slowly and precisely in near monosyllables. Finally, if I am not exceptionally self aware, is a massive crash into a depression episode.

Like a child high on sugar, eventually you get the crash as they fall to the ground exhausted and crying, defiant and inconsolable. That’s how these highs work for me. I am sure many of you recognise this in yourselves.

How do you handle it? I stay busy and try to channel the energy positively, but prepare those around me for potential fall out.

What’s your strategy?



Andrzej Marczewski
Depression, Anxiety and Mental Health

Gamification consultant and designer, social media lover, games reviewer at @yarstweet, author of, husband & father of 2