We went to Porto, carago!

António Marques
Deemaze Writing Wall
4 min readNov 15, 2017

Hi there! 😎

As you know, Deemaze is a company where the tension reigns in the air and nobody likes anybody. So, in order to treat this, we decided to go on a small trip, stay all together in the same house and destroy our weekend. (Is this the part where I say that I’m being ironic?)

Even though we went to Porto, our residence was in Vila Nova de Gaia, just near the D. Luís bridge. This way we could visit two cities on the same weekend and also stay close to our planned activities.

So, on Friday night, we went to Porto and after some social drinks 🍻, we decided that keeping the night short would be a good idea in order to enjoy the Saturday.

Part of the crew enjoying the view

For Saturday, after a pleasant tour around Porto visiting the D. Luís Bridge, Aliados, Ribeira and Cais de Gaia, we had a Port wine tasting at the famous Ferreira Cellars. First, we had a small tour and we learned a bit of their story and how they stayed so firm for so many years. After this, the long-waited moment arrived, the wine tasting. 😀

So much smile, WOW 😇

With the wine tour concluded, and after each of us decided what was the best flavor, it was time to plan our dinner and after-party. And what is the thing that you can’t miss when you go to Porto?

That’s right!

The delicious FRANCESINHA! 🤗

Nhom nhom nhom

The chosen restaurant was the famous Café Santiago, that served us an amazing one, along with the classic “fino” 🍺. With our stomachs full, it was time to go party, and we went to a couple of bars near the Clérigos Tower just to enjoy Porto’s night.

Aaaaaand here comes Sunday.

For the last day, we had an awesome activity prepared with the goal of applying our team work in other areas. Also, we wanted to leave some bruises on each other just for fun.

So, we went to play paintball. 😄

Green team vs. Digital team

Some of us never played, so the teams were created according to the number of rookies. In the end, the result was almost a tie. The Green team won only for 5–1 against the Digital team.

The duel of the century between André Macedo and Pedro Batista

After this, unfortunately, it was time to pack our things and go back to Coimbra. Some people cried, some people tried to escape, but yes, it was time for us to go back to our beloved city and to our beloved office in order to continue working on our beloved projects. 🤓

Porto, see you next time. We will return for sure.

One more thing!

As you can see, in some group photos, Filipe Gonçalves is not present. The fact is that sometimes, he has to go save the world. On Saturday, he was called upon to deal with a worldwide threat. 🏀🏆

The team without Filipe 🏅

So, I hope that you guys enjoyed reading about our small trip. We will keep bringing you more news about us.

Aaaaaand now, I’m out. 🙌

We lead exciting lives here at Deemaze. And we like talking about it! Stalk our daily adventures on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. 🖖

