Slack Workspaces for Data Science
Need help? Ask your community & pay it forward
I haven’t yet posted to stack overflow, but when I do, my plan is to ask a few specific people or groups to look at my post and try to help me. Where do I find these people? From networking and volunteering at meetups and conferences. These days, most groups worth their salt have a Slack Workspace. I think the ones listed below will help me on my path to become a computational biologist.
Brackets holds the number of people in the workspace as of 2018–09–14 and links to the website where you can join by entering your email address. Others you’ll have to google around to figure out how to join. Parentheses hold the text that precedes (useful for adding the Workspace to your phone by choosing “Add Workspaces” then “Sign in manually”).
- PyLadies (pyladies)[2,270]
- RLadies (rladies-community)[424]
- Women in Machine Learning and Data Science (wimlds)[680]
- Women Who Code (wwcode)[1,147]
- Women in Data (womenindatacommunity)[112]
- Code Self Study (codeselfstudy)[668]
- This Week in Machine Learning & AI (twimlai) [1468]
- Free Code Camp SF (fccsf) [213]
- R-Team for Data Analysis (r-data-team)[698]
- R4ds (rfordatascience)[1,575]
- NYhackR (nyhackr)[357]
- CodeBuddies (codebuddies)[5,242]
- DevChat (devolio-devchat) [12,135]
- Code Community (codecommunity) [7,086]
- Code for America (cfa) [1,936]