Bash keyboard shortcuts

Deena Blumenkrantz
Deena Does Data Science
1 min readJun 25, 2019

I’m done with Medium, I need to switch to something that uses markdown!

- means hold down the control key
`^->` & `^<-`
- move the cursor right or left by words, rather than characters
`ctrl+a`- move cursor to the front/beginning of a command line`ctrl+e`- move cursor to the end of a command line`ctrl+k`- cut from the cursor to the end- this saves what you have cut, so you can paste it with `ctrl+y``ctrl+u`
- delete from cursor left
`ctrl+r`- see things you have run- quicker than history`ctrl+y`- paste what was cut with `ctrl+k`



Deena Blumenkrantz
Deena Does Data Science

I’m a molecular virologist training to become a computational biologist / bioinformatician