Study Guide for Microsoft Azure Certification AZ-400: Microsoft Azure DevOps Solutions

Shivam Sharma
Applied Deep Learning
4 min readJun 21, 2019


Note: Looking for az:400 training?

Update 7–9–2019:

  • Now one lab (with 10 sub task) is also coming: Do the hands-on from links below

Microsoft recently released a certification examination named AZ-400: Microsoft Azure DevOps Solutions it is needed to get a certification called Azure DevOps Engineer Expert.

*All images are from

“Candidates for this exam are DevOps professionals who combine people, process, and technologies to continuously deliver valuable products and services that meet end user needs and business objectives.

DevOps professionals streamline delivery by optimizing practices, improving communications and collaboration, and creating automation. They design and implement strategies for application code and infrastructure that allow for continuous integration, continuous testing, continuous delivery, and continuous monitoring and feedback.”- Microsoft

Azure DevOps Engineer Expert Certification

To get Azure DevOps expert certification you need to pass two certifications AZ-400 + AZ-103 (Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate) or AZ-203 (Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate).

Learning path

AZ-400: Microsoft Azure DevOps Solutions

In this article, we are covering areas needed to get AZ-400 certification.

Certification Pattern

You are required to answer 44 questions in 150 minutes, extra time will be given to read pre-exam instructions as well. Passing criteria is to get 700/1000. There were no labs.

Type of questions

Below are the type of questions that you can expect

  • Single choice based on a scenario: These questions cannot be skipped nor can you go back afterward to them to recorrect (got such 3)
  • Single choice questions
  • Multiple choice questions
  • Arrange in right sequence type questions
  • Case studies with multiple questions.

My Experience

In my certification, two case studies came one at the starting one at the end, in between were single, multiple choice and another type of questions.

  1. Contoso Case Study: There were seven deployment scenarios described in the case study followed by questions. These scenarios were in a table, you might have to go back and forth through this table to answer the following questions.
  2. Liteware Case Study: Scenario described the company to be having 70 branches and due to which they are facing many problems. Following questions were on how to solve the problems.
  • Questions were on CI/CD for .NET, Node.js and Java applications. You need to understand Azure DevOps concepts for different languages.

Study Guide:

Here is a comprehensive list of study material covering AZ-100 scope & questions, you can thank me later.

*All links are either from Microsoft or publically available blogs that I am just listing here …credit goes to authors

Recommended: Do all hands on labs here ... it's free
AZ-400 broader scope

1) Design a DevOps strategy
2) Implement DevOps development processes
3) Implement continuous integration
4) Implement continuous delivery
5) Implement dependency management
6) Implement application infrastructure
7) Implement continuous feedback
Details: DevOps tools overview for Azure DevOps control of source control from TFVC to Git (sequence and concept)
Git Feature Branch Workflow
Git branching strategy git for enterprise devops
Azure pipelines
Azure Pipelines agents
Azure Repos
Configuring a CD pipeline for your Jenkins CI
Build, test, and push Docker container apps Flow
Data protection overview
Permissions and groups in Azure DevOps
Using Code Analysis with Visual Studio 2019 to Improve Code Quality (read from here) Checklist automation with DSC through 3rd party tools that can be used along with Azure devops, landing page here questions from below topics will be there

If you need further help or have a question then write in the comments below or find me on LinkedIn.

Also, if you have already taken the certification then let me know about any changes in questions or patterns, I will update the article … Thanks!!

If you have any comment or question, then do write them below.

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Shivam Sharma
Applied Deep Learning

MCT | MCSE: Azure | MCSA: Machine Learning | Blockchain| R, Architect/Consultant/Trainer. I love working with cutting-edge technologies.