Aldous Collins: Inside My Art of Oceans and Music

From the canvas to the microphone with South Shore artist, Aldous Collins

Jeff Gorra
Artist Waves
5 min readOct 5, 2018


My Background:

I came into art later in life. After years of snowboarding out west and kind of floating around, I decided it was time to finish my schooling. I had no idea what would interest me but I decided art could be enjoyable. So I returned to UNH and got my degree in Studio Arts. I did not paint at all at school, I drew, I sculpted, I did woodworking, etc… After I completed my degree, I stopped art all together and I joined a band and that occupied me for years. Two years ago, I somehow decided to get a canvas and paint… probably something to do with having the right person in my life:) So after 15 years of very minimal art interest, I’ve immersed myself and I’ve been really enjoying being a painter.

My Artistic Process:

My process varies a lot. I may see an image or picture an image, but as it takes shape it becomes much different than the original source. I use brushes, knifes, cloth, dryers, and whatever is close by that may aid in bringing my vision to life. I’ve been using acrylic house paints to make my art. Each piece varies in time so its very hard to give a time frame as to how long each piece takes, but there are some that are done and then after I sit with them for awhile I realize what is missing and I re-work it.

My Style:

I grew up in Goffstown, NH. I spent a lot of time skateboarding, snowboarding, hiking, biking, surfing and so on. I believe my interests really shape my vision as a painter. I love the ocean and I love the mountains. I love Picasso, Basquiat, Pollack and Jaimie Lynn. I feel the work of these artists kind of comes through as influences in my work. I guess simplicity, color and subject matter are what I hope people find to be attractive in my work.

The Aldous Collins Band:

Equally as important to me is my music. I had bits of exposure when I was younger, but I didn’t really think of myself as a musician until I was asked to join a band in my late 20’s. Since then, I’ve played a lot of great stages and with a lot of great people. My band, The Aldous Collins Band, just finished up a great summer. Radio play, festivals, write-ups and just great people supporting us has made for some nice memories. The current line-up is:

Michael Rahman — lead guitar
Luke Brech — drums
Kevin Hennessey -keys
Mark King — Bass
Steve Smith — Percussion
Sam Dechenne — Trumpet
Bulut Gulun — Trombone
Phil Grenier — Sound

We are grateful for the great gigs we’ve had and I’m always looking forward to what’s next.

Photos by: Ann-Marie Rollo

Making Art vs. Making Music:

How do I channel my inspiration, how do I know when to turn to music or a paint brush? Well, it’s quite simple, sometimes I want to sing my feelings and sometimes I want to paint them. I find that when I paint, I think about music and when I play music, I think about what I want to paint.

The Great Outdoors:

I love surfing but I don’t get to do it much, I’m more of a snowboarder. But I liken an epic powder day to a day of great waves. One day I’d like to spend lots of time surfing again, maybe Costa Rica or someplace warm. Years ago, when I was not a painter, I saw a painting that had waves on a mountain and I just loved the fusion of the worlds and the way it was done. That wave style has stuck with me ever since.

Beat Like The Sun”:

I have been very fortunate to have many people support my vision. As I just started into painting two years ago, I’ve realized that I’ll paint til’ I die. Something in me needs to do it, it’s just like music for me. Actually, painting has made me a better musician. Over the years, I’ve been lucky to have super talented band members and we’ve played with a lot of successful musician’s that I dig. Bob Marley is probably my biggest influence, even though I’m not a reggae artist. I love his message, his feel and his sound. I’m happy that his son, Rohan Marley, has a piece that I painted of his father.

I appreciate the opportunity to be acknowledged as an artist. I love being a partner to my future wife and a father to our gang. I hope that my art represents the things that I stand for- love and respect for all humanity.

~Aldous Collins

Photos by: Ann-Marie Rollo

Follow The Aldous Collins band on facebook: @AldousCollinsBand
and on Instagram: @AldousCollinsBandMusic, @AldousCollinsArt

Catch The Aldous Collins Band this Sunday at the Mad Love Music Festival!
For tickets and more information visit:

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In collaboration with/produced by: Jeff Gorra

~ follow Jeff Gorra here on twitter




Jeff Gorra
Artist Waves

Founder/Editor/Writer @ArtistWaves — a voice of the artist platform. Compelling & inspiring stories…Behind the Art, By the Artist. Twitter @JeffGorra