Chris Cornell — 712

Remembering the rare performance of December 18, 2015

Michael Young
Artist Waves
4 min readDec 18, 2017


Chris Cornell at The Sheldon Music Hall — St. Louis 2015

December 18, 2015 — St. Louis, Mo. — The Sheldon Music Hall — Chris Cornell plays “Special Engagement Show” during his “Higher Truth” tour.

712 — That’s the seating capacity of the over a century old Sheldon Music Hall in downtown St. Louis, Missouri. The Sheldon as been described as “Acousticially Perfect.” Musicians and music lovers have been enjoying those perfect acoustics for over 100 years. The Sheldon Concert Hall has been called The Carnegie Hall of the Midwest.”

The Sheldon Music Hall — St. Louis, Mo

If I said its been difficult for me to listen or watch Chris Cornell music/videos since his passing it would be a huge understatment. Time may heal wounds, but the scars stay with you. Only recently have I began looking through my images, for the first time being able to reflect back on some of the amazing moments, without becoming emotional and trying to forget all of it.

712 — Tickets sold for this intimate performance

Only 712 of these exsist…

712 — Experienced that amazing voice, a voice of a generation in a room designed to enhance Opera.

712 — People with an unforgettable memory of that evening

I’d seen Chris perform at many venues over the years, large and small. Solo Tours, Soundgarden, Audioslave, but for some reason this particilar performace, roughly a year and half before his passing sticks with me.

That Voice… That Room… That Night.. It all came together for a truely memorable performance. Chris’ legendary high notes actually created a physical feeling in that room. One I will never forgot. Thank You Chris…….

Chris Cornell at The Sheldon Music Hall 2015

My Confession —

I went as a fan. No photo passes were available. The Sheldon has a strict no cameras/no phones/no audio. They mean it too!. If sight of a camera or phone is seen they flood you with a flashlight and second warning you’re escorted out.

First off, I’m not a YouTube money maker. I’ve never monitized my material.

But, something about that night and that venue just seemed like it needed to be recorded for some reason.

Being a photographer to my core, I feel uncomfortable without a camera at times.. yeah we all have our hang-ups..haha.. Combine my obsession of photography and throw in big fascination with history and you.…well you get it.

So I took in a stealthy little camera that takes pretty decent video and so-so images. It has no lcd screen or lights that would be a distraction to those around me or draw the attention of the flashlight brigade at the Sheldon. I decided to let it roll from time to time, maybe I’d get something decent, if not, no big loss.

So I let it roll from our 5th row seat that night.

I’ve edited it to show a small glimpse of the entire show…. Length — 9:13

As far as I know this may be one of the only videos or images from this special show. (Note: video audio does not do justice to the room)…

I’ll let Chris say the rest — — Please watch…

Chris Cornell at Sheldon Music Hall — St. Louis 2015

All Photos — By Michael Young

See ya on the road — — Safe Travels!

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Michael Young
Artist Waves

Escaped Corporate America. I now use the shutter to capture the world I enjoy! PhotoJournalist/Music Photog —