The Chris Cornell I’ll Remember

Memory of the Smile and Photo Tribute

Michael Young
Artist Waves
3 min readMay 19, 2017


Chris Cornell 2015

May 18th, 2017 — Waking up to the news of Chris Cornell’s passing today was difficult for me. Emotional thoughts and memories washed over and through me like sets of uncontrollable waves. One memory stuck out…

October 2015: We’re hanging out near the famous Paramount Theater in Denver where Chris Cornell had just performed a show on his 2015 Higher Truth solo tour. After the show, we’re chatting with people we’d met earlier in the evening and out walks Chris Cornell. Big smile on his face, he instantly begins connecting with the group of fans that recognized him and displayed thrilling smiles in return.

Paramount Theater Denver, Colorado

Chris took the time for a few fan photos, signed autographs and simply talked with people for several minutes, just hanging out with the group… even pointing over at me and saying “Hey! That’s an awesome Pearl Jam T-shirt”, all while having a big smile on his face.

There will no doubt be books written about his magical golden voice, his musical influence, all the great shows, etc…

The Chris Cornell I’ll remember? That smiling, happy guy on that chilly autumn night in Denver.

He knew he touched so many.

That’s the Chris Cornell I’ll remember.

I had the honor and privilege of photographing Chris at several of his Higher Truth tour shows.

The photos say more than my words can express……

R.I.P. Chris — You will be Missed and Remembered!

Say Hello 2 Heaven for us—Peace

See ya on the road — — Safe Travels!

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Michael Young
Artist Waves

Escaped Corporate America. I now use the shutter to capture the world I enjoy! PhotoJournalist/Music Photog —