Compound Governance Data Integrated to DeepDAO

Published in
3 min readAug 4, 2021

DeepDAO is excited to list some of the biggest protocols in DeFi by market capitalization. Uniswap, FEI, Compound, Radicle, Gitcoin, PoolTogether, Unslashed, Idle Finance, Ampleforth, BProtocol and more.

At DeepDAO, we aim to make sense of the DAO ecosystem by analyzing, synthesizing and visualizing data from the DAOverse. The integration of Compound Governance DAOs marks an important milestone: Making it easier to navigate governance information of some of the leading infrastructure protocols driving the future of finance.

With the listing of 14 Compound governance DAOs we have seen an impressive $6B+ in assets governed by DAOs and well over 500k additional governance token holders with voting power.

Over the coming weeks we will be integrating more data from Compound Governance based DAOs into DeepDAO’s People and the Governance Feed.

About Compound Governance

At the core governance is about coordination. With each governance framework we can see the efforts mechanism designers make in attempts to introduce innovative solutions to coordination challenges. Compound’s unique dGov flavor comes from the delegation concept. It was clearly designed for robust financial protocols where oftentimes the token holder base would be far greater than the people who would be likely to participate actively in governing the protocol.

Key features of the Compound governance architecture [1]:

  1. Spam protection mechanism: threshold is set only receive proposals which originate from accounts with greater % of tokens. On the flip side this feature also limits the number of people who can create proposals, and at times makes it much harder to pass a proposal
  2. Execution time is delayed to allow users to remove funds in case a proposal is deemed malicious. If the proposer’s voting power drops below the proposal submission threshold at any time from submission until the time-lock period elapses, the proposal can be cancelled
  3. Delegation: Compound governance allows the delegation to let token holders transfer their voting power to another user, without relinquishing control of the underlying asset. Delegation can be re-assigned at any time, this is meant to help protocol politicians maintain supportive relationships with those who delegated them their tokens voting power. [2]
Voting lifecycle in Compound Governance [3]




About DeepDAO

DeepDAO is covering both financial and governance data on 100+ top DAOs. Our data covers major platforms such as Compound, Snapshot, Gnosis Safe, Aragon, Moloch, DAOstack, OpenLaw, and Colony. DeepDAO is continuously expanding coverage to other chains and governance platforms as well.

Supported by great firms in crypto, including LD Capital, YBB, Hypersphere, DFG, Moonwhale Ventures, Morningstar Ventures, SevenX Ventures, AU21 Capital, TRGC, JRR Crypto, Incuba Alpha, Bitfwd 比特未来 , Mr. Block, The Illusionist Group, Puzzle Ventures, PAKA Capital, Kernel Ventures, Lancer Capital, Waterdrip Capital, LVT Capital, Infinite Decentralization Capital, Kolektivo Labs, Moon Capital, BlueHelix, ArkStream Capital, ID Theory, DAO Maker, Ellipti, Stratos Technologies and others.

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