DAOpulse issue #1: Top 50 DAOs on DeepDAO.io

Eyal Eithcowich
Published in
4 min readJul 9, 2020

Welcome to DAOpulse, your source of information about DAOs from DeepDAO * Our dashboard expands to 50 DAOs, with total AUM over $33M * Our ongoing research mapped over 100+ metrics for analyzing DAOs * This is just the beginning

DeepDAO continues to expand and make the fast growing DAO space approachable and visible. Last week we celebrated adding DAOs from the platform that currently has the highest aggregated valuation of crypto assets under management — Aragon. DeepDAO’s dashboard now includes 50 of the top DAOs in the galaxy, and their total USD value as of this writing is 33,079,702.42 in coins and tokens.

New domain🥁 🎸🎉

DeepDAO has moved to DeepDAO.io (previously DeepDAO.world) and we’re working on some cool things to share soon. We also changed our Twitter handle to @DeepDAO_io.

DeepDAO’s data continues to be useful for industry movers and shakers. Last week Mason Nystrom from Messari used our dashboard in his research on DAOs. It’s an absolutely rewarding feeling to see how our work-of-passion is becoming recognized and used by some of the best in the business.

Over $33M Directly in DAO Accounts

Our desktop now features DAOs from four major platforms. We started with DAOstack, added 👹 Moloch DAOs and The LAO, and Aragon is our latest (and largest) addition.

Aragon is dominating DeepDAO’s dashboard in terms of total USD value. Their 25 DAOs on our platform are holding 23,171,044.93 USD equivalent, while DAOstack’s 9 DAOs are at 6,796,147.19, Moloch’s 15 DAOs are at $2,024,505.78, and The LAO currently holds $1,088,004.51.

The total of over $33M reflects the value of coins and tokens directly held under the DAO management. The potential value is much higher. Several DAOs have more money coming in, like necDAO’s 17,000 ETH which were originally collected as a reward for market makers of the Ethfinex exchange. DAOs also own assets. NecDAO owns DeversiFi, a decentralized exchange, and @DxDAO owns three decentralized software products, including a portfolio manager and a newly launched prediction market; OMEN. We expect the trend of DAOs owning fee generating assets to continue to grow.

Evaluating the full extent of each DAOs value is one of our core missions, and we are hard at work getting the data right, as well as adding more DAOs, including Colony DAOs, MakerDAO, NexusMutual, Decred, and others.

Analyzing DAOs (with 100+ Metrics) and Watching Whale Games

DAOs are multi-faceted systems and they’re fundamentally more complex than tokens, since monetary value alone does not capture their whole essence. As such, DeepDAO’s current dashboard features governance metrics such as number of members, proposals, voters, and voter participation. Our individual DAO pages offer much more data on each.

While this data tells quite a lot about the listed DAOs’ economics and politics, it’s truly just scratching the surface. Now that we have access to several separate DAO platforms and can derive metrics about dozens of DAOs, it’s time to take the gloves off and move on to the next level of analytics system development. It’s time to go deep.

In the interest of being able to answer whatever questions arise about individual DAO activities, money flow, or governance, and how the results compare to the broader ecosystem, our current research is focused on expanding our data acquisition for capturing as much of the DAO data footprint as possible. To do this we took a step back and began mapping out several areas of focus (e.g. Members, Reputation, Shares, Proposals, Economics, Growth), exploring what should and could be known. Through this method we began to develop a more robust and complete set of measurements and an array of derivative metrics, over 100 in all, that contextualize the core information present in the dashboards. For example a DAO may have many “Members” but how many of them are “Active” or “Sleeping”? Soon you will know.

Stay tuned as we turn these new research areas into insightful and intriguing information within our dashboards. Here’s a spoiler for you: One of our interests lies in Reputation or Shares (both measures of voting power) concentration and we have developed a fun set of metrics we call “Whale Games” that sheds light on the nature of a DAOs power distribution. We believe the decentralization geeks will appreciate this view.

Many thanks to the Daniel Bar from bitfwd and Ivan Thinking for their review, insights, and excellent editing. As always, if you have DAO data questions you would like answered, do not hesitate to reach out to us at info@deepdao.io. We are happy to develop metrics that the public tells us are interesting to them.

